Best Addons For The War Within

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The War Within HUD and UI Revamp

Blizzard has delivered a highly anticipated overhaul to the *World of Warcraft* Heads-Up Display (HUD) and User Interface (UI) — a decade in the making. On July 23, 2024, even more UI enhancements will go live, bringing fresh updates to WoW players worldwide. In this article, we’ll walk you through each of the newest changes introduced in *WoW*, along with an in-depth look at the essential *The War Within* addons for customizing the HUD and enhancing gameplay.

For years, WoW enthusiasts have relied on third-party addons to tailor their experience, and Blizzard has taken note, crafting an improved, integrated system that better supports player needs. This latest update revolutionizes the HUD, offering a more intuitive and customizable interface than ever before. Here’s a breakdown of the HUD enhancements that remain with us in *The War Within* expansion, along with how you can optimize your interface for peak performance and enjoyment.

Improved Accessibility

  • Say farewell to the hassle of repeated key presses with WoW’s new hold-casting function. Now, simply hold down the ability button, and the skill will automatically activate as soon as its cooldown is up, streamlining combat.
  • NPC and object interaction is now easier than ever with the new Interact key. A single key press lets you engage with NPCs and items without the need to manually click, making gameplay faster and more immersive.
  • The enhanced targeting system is a true revolution in gameplay. This feature enables seamless target switching and auto-targeting of nearby foes, ensuring combat feels smoother and more responsive.

Edit Mode

The newly introduced edit mode brings a level of customization reminiscent of the popular ElvUI addon’s layout options — which we’ll delve into later in this guide. This mode allows you to seamlessly drag and reposition all UI components anywhere on your screen. You can also resize the UI elements, providing either a more spacious display or larger frames and icons for better visibility and enhanced gameplay experience.

Gamepad Support

Starting with the last expansion, WoW now supports Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch Pro controllers. While mastering complex specs and classes may be tricky with a controller, it’s ideal for more relaxed activities like farming, grinding, and casual gameplay, providing a comfortable alternative for those looking to enjoy the game in a laid-back way.

Combined Bags Mod

A new combined bags mode has been introduced, eliminating the need for third-party addons like Bagnon to enhance your inventory management. This feature streamlines your bag organization, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing.

Additionally, Blizzard has announced that further updates are on the horizon for various UI components, including the Quest Tracker, Raid Frames, and Group Manager, alongside enhancements to the overall art design.

The War Within Addons

Addons are essential tools that allow you to customize your interface and enhance gameplay functionality, ranging from automatically selling junk items to modifying your action bars and the entire user interface. In this guide, we’ve organized all the addons available in The War Within beta into several categories based on their specific functions.

Addon Category Description
ElvUI UI Improvement Changes basic UI to a minimalistic and convenient alternative
Details! UI Improvement + Boss Mod Adds a window with DPS meter, allows to gather combat statistics.
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) Boss Mod Warnes when to be aware of boss mechanics.
WeakAuras Boss Mod Warnes when to be aware of boss mechanics; very customizable.
GTFO Boss Mod Warnes when to be aware of boss mechanics.
Raider.IO Raid and M+ Mod Shows M+ rating, Raid progress, etc.
Bagnon Bags Improvement Allows to customize and merge bags.
Auctioneer Profession Addon Enhances Auction UI, analyzes market.

How to Install WoW addons

Before you can enjoy any addon, you must download and install it. So, how do you install addons for WoW? The basic process for installing addons for The War Within involves downloading the addon file and extracting it to the appropriate directory. Typically, your installation path for WoW Retail addons will be:

Disk:\ World of Warcraft \ _retail_ \ Interface \ AddOns

To streamline this process, you can use various programs, with the CurseForge app (formerly known as the Twitch PC app) being the most popular. After installation, make sure to activate the WoW Curse addons in the Addons section of the game menu.

Keep in mind that addons can increase the load on your system. If you’re running a low-spec PC, it’s advisable to limit the number of addons you use simultaneously. Concentrate on essential addons for WoW, such as DBM and Recount. Additionally, before installing heavier addons like ElvUI, consider their potential impact on your system’s performance.

Lastly, be cautious when installing multiple addons that perform similar functions, as this can lead to conflicts between them.

Where to Download The War Within Addons

There are multiple methods to acquire WoW addons: you can either download them directly from an addon’s official website or utilize addon managers that provide a safe and efficient way to download and install top WoW addons:

We highly recommend using a dependable and user-friendly WoW addon manager, specifically the CurseForge app. It is the quickest, safest, and most straightforward way to download addons. CurseForge offers a beginner-friendly experience with an intuitive interface, making it easy to track the latest updates.

The War Within UI Addons

World of Warcraft (WoW) UI addons have been enhancing gameplay for many years. These addons are primarily designed to customize and improve User Interface elements, tailoring them to fit your individual preferences. The classic WoW interface can sometimes feel overly simplistic or, conversely, overwhelming due to the abundance of information presented. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top UI addons available for WoW, helping you to optimize your gaming experience.


ElvUI stands out as the premier addon for customizing the World of Warcraft interface. Although Blizzard has made substantial enhancements to the various UI elements and frames, some features remain less adaptable. ElvUI addresses these limitations and continues to be one of the most sought-after addons for WoW.

This powerful User Interface replacement allows players to transform all default interface components into highly customizable frames. Designed to serve as an upgrade and evolution of the classic game interface, ElvUI caters to the needs of today’s MMO players. Additionally, its sleek and minimalistic design adds to its appeal, making it a popular choice among the WoW community.

For those planning to use ElvUI for the first time, here are some key facts about this powerful addon:

  • You can access the ElvUI menu via the Game Menu or simply by entering the chat command: /ec;
  • No additional addons are needed for interface elements; you only need to configure specific functions within the ElvUI menu.
  • ElvUI integrates many of the most popular interface enhancements, including raid frames, spell bars, and bag management;
  • With ElvUI, you can effortlessly monitor various aspects of your gameplay: currency, resources, reservation strength, available bag slots, and more.
  • Due to its extensive customizability, setting everything up may take some time, but don’t hesitate to explore this addon—there are numerous helpful guides available on YouTube for ElvUI configuration.

Unlike many other addons for The War Within, ElvUI cannot be downloaded through the CurseForge app.


Bartender4 serves as a comprehensive replacement for the ActionBar. This addon equips you with a wide array of features, allowing for complete customization of your action bars and their various functionalities.


SexyMap enhances the aesthetics of your minimap while significantly improving the overall user experience.


Bartender4 serves as a comprehensive replacement for your ActionBars. This addon offers a wide range of features, allowing you to fully customize nearly every aspect of your action and related bars to suit your gameplay style.

The War Within Bags Addons

Keeping your WoW inventory organized can be a tedious task, often leading to frustration when it comes to manual sorting and cleaning. Fortunately, there are addons designed specifically to automate these processes, effortlessly sorting your bags and selling unwanted items as soon as you interact with a vendor. Many of these addons also offer the convenience of instantly repairing all your gear, streamlining your gameplay experience.


Bagnon is a highly regarded inventory management addon that combines all your bags into a single, cohesive interface. While Blizzard has implemented a one-bag feature, Bagnon remains a valuable tool due to its additional functionalities and its sleek, modern design that enhances the user experience.


ArkInventory is a widely used bag management addon that enables you to view all your items in a single window, organized into categories for easier navigation. This addon is readily available through any addon manager, including CurseForge.

DPS Meter WoW The War Within Addons

Every World of Warcraft player has likely pondered, “Is my DPS up to par?” No one enjoys receiving chat messages like, “Is that Frost Mage asleep? Where’s the damage?” To address this concern, DPS meters were developed. Below is a curated list of addons designed to help you track and analyze your damage metrics effectively.

Details! Damage Meter

We’ve previously highlighted Details! as one of the top addons in the UI category for World of Warcraft. Additionally, it’s worth noting that this addon is the most popular and feature-rich damage meter available. In-game, it offers comprehensive DPS statistics, and you can also use it to analyze damage output from other players, track healing, clear debuffs, and much more.


Unlike Details!, this addon features a more straightforward functionality. Overall, Recount serves as an excellent damage measurement tool, providing analytical graphs that help you assess your performance and make improvements.

The War Within Boss Mods Addons

During boss encounters, even experienced players can benefit from guidance about upcoming mechanics. This crucial information allows you to avoid unnecessary damage and cast your spells at the right moments.

This is particularly helpful for newcomers to the game or when participating in random Raid or Mythic+ groups, where teammates may not have the time to explain specific boss mechanics. By installing one of the addons listed below, you can quickly learn how to evade damage and reduce downtime during fights.


WeakAuras is an essential addon for tracking buffs, debuffs, and other critical gameplay information through highly customizable graphics on your interface. Originally designed as a replacement for Power Auras, WeakAuras has significantly expanded its functionality and offers a user-friendly interface. This versatile tool is often regarded as one of the must-have addons for WoW. Additionally, it enables players to create ‘custom addons’ tailored to specific Raids, Dungeons, or boss encounters.

WeakAuras proves to be invaluable for guilds, allowing them to develop their own scenarios for various types of content, complete with unique markers or indicators for combat. For example, you can configure a WeakAura that designates player positions for soaking boss mechanics or indicates where to place certain debuffs.

You can find a vast array of WeakAuras to enhance your gameplay on, or easily download WeakAuras through any addon manager for convenience. We also highly recommend checking out Afenar’s Class WeakAuras, which are designed to help you monitor key skills for your class, significantly improving your gameplay experience.

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)

As the most downloaded addon on CurseForge, DBM is essential for enhancing your gameplay experience by alerting you when to cast spells, interrupt actions, dispel effects, and avoid dangerous boss mechanics. This versatile addon is compatible with all types of encounters, including Raids, Mythic+, and World Bosses. Be sure to select the appropriate pack for the specific content you plan to engage in.

Big Wigs

BigWigs is a robust boss encounter addon that delivers a similar experience to DBM. It enhances your performance by providing crucial information about boss mechanics and timings. Both addons are highly regarded in the community and are essential tools for many players aiming to succeed in challenging content.


GTFO is a notification addon designed to alert you when you’re standing in dangerous areas during boss encounters. This tool is invaluable, especially in the heat of battle when it’s easy to miss those critical void zones. The name says it all – Get Off the Unwanted Zone!


The War Within Details addon offers comprehensive combat analysis by tracking damage, healing, and other crucial metrics. It introduces a customizable window to your user interface that you can position anywhere and lock in place, ensuring you won’t accidentally click it during combat. During encounters, you can monitor DPS/HPS, manage boss debuff dispels, and access vital statistics.

The War Within Unit Frames Addons

In situations like dungeons and raids, it’s crucial to have a clear view of all boss mechanics, adds, and void zones, particularly for healers who need to be prepared to cast spells on specific players. To optimize your user interface for this purpose, consider reducing the size of raid member HP bars while enhancing their informativeness and visibility. You can select any unit frame addon from the list below and customize it to suit your specific requirements.


Grid2 offers highly flexible unit frame settings, allowing you to create a setup that is both informative and space-efficient.


Plater is an incredibly customizable nameplate addon that features extensive support for various scripts and animations, enhancing your gameplay experience.

The War Within PvP Addons

PvP (Player versus Player) combat plays a crucial role in World of Warcraft, attracting many players who thrive on competitive gameplay. To achieve success in PvP battles, it’s important to equip yourself with the right addons and customize them to fit your playstyle. Here’s a carefully selected list of the top PvP addons for WoW: The War Within.


OmniCC turns standard cooldown into digital, so you can easily see how much time is left for your skill cooldown.


BigDebuffs enhances the visibility of debuffs and crowd control effects. This addon is incredibly helpful, allowing you to focus on gameplay without constantly monitoring each debuff yourself; you can trust the addon to keep you informed.


Gladius is a versatile addon designed to assist you in selecting targets and focusing your attention during arena matches. Its modular design allows you to disable any unnecessary features, enabling you to customize it according to your specific needs.


TellMeWhen is an essential addon that notifies you when your cooldowns are available, complete with timers, sounds, and various alerts to enhance your gameplay and help you stay organized during battles.

The War Within Profession Addons

In The War Within, professions remain a vital source of income and offer various benefits. Improving your experience with crafting and gathering can significantly enhance your gameplay, making profession addons highly sought after. These tools streamline the process of making gold and maximizing your efficiency, appealing to every player looking to profit from their professions.


TradeSkillMaster (TSM) is a powerful yet complex addon that stands out as the ultimate tool for gold making in World of Warcraft. It provides in-depth analysis of auction house trends and professional recipes, enabling you to maximize your gold earnings. While it’s possible to use TSM casually, I highly recommend exploring TradeSkillMaster guides for a deeper understanding and to truly unlock its potential for serious gold makers.


Auctioneer provides comprehensive insights into auction house prices, allowing you to analyze market trends and optimize your listings for maximum profit. This addon not only assists you in setting competitive prices for your items but also offers information on disenchanting values, ensuring you make informed decisions when selling.

The War Within Game Enhancing Addons

In addition to the various categories of addons available, there are also those designed to enhance your overall gaming experience, making it more enjoyable and offering fun new features.


enables you to view comprehensive information about Raid or Mythic+ progression, assess players’ M+ ratings, and gauge the experience and compatibility of a prospective group member.


Altoholic provides valuable insights into your alternate characters (alts). Understanding the amount of gold or materials they possess can be incredibly beneficial. This addon is particularly useful for monitoring the progress of characters not currently in your Warband.


RareScanner is an essential addon that places icons on your map to help you locate various treasures and rare bosses. With this tool, you can easily identify the loot that these bosses drop, track their spawn locations, and check their current status—whether they are alive or awaiting respawn.


Similar to RareScanner, HandyNotes is a powerful addon that marks the locations of rare creatures, elite mobs, and various points of interest on your map. In the Dragonflight expansion, HandyNotes proved to be particularly valuable for tracking Dragon Glyphs. If you enjoy exploring content from earlier expansions, simply download the appropriate pack, and you’ll be equipped to uncover hidden treasures and significant locations throughout the zones.