Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2022 Guide: Rewards and Challenges

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The Festival of the Lost is back in Destiny 2 from October 18 to November 8, 2022, bringing Halloween-themed fun and spooky rewards. Whether you’re hunting for the new Mechabre Arc Sniper Rifle, collecting Spectral Pages, or unlocking the Ghost Writer title, this guide covers everything you need to know about the event.

How to Start the Festival of the Lost 2022

To kick off the event, head to the Tower and visit Eva Levante. Pick up the introductory quest, Gone but Not Forgotten, and equip the Festival Mask she provides. This will unlock Haunted Lost Sectors, where you’ll spend most of your time gathering pages and defeating enemies.

Step Details
Visit Eva Levante Collect the Gone but Not Forgotten quest and the Festival Mask.
Equip the Mask Essential for earning event currency like Spectral Pages.
Complete Activities Earn Spectral Pages from Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and seasonal activities.

Haunted Lost Sectors: Turn Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages

Activity Objective
Summoning Rituals Summon and defeat Headless Ones to convert Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages.
Haunted Lost Sectors Explore themed Lost Sectors filled with spooky enemies and earn Manifested Pages.


To maximize your page conversion, focus on summoning and defeating as many Headless Ones as possible.

Festival of the Lost Rewards

After earning Manifested Pages, return to the Tower and deposit them in the Book of the Forgotten for lore pages and rewards. Here’s what you can expect:

Reward Details
Weapons Mechabre Arc Sniper Rifle with Voltshot (PvE) and Search Party (PvP) perks.
Horror’s Least Pulse Rifle, Braytech Werewolf Auto Rifle, Jurassic Green Pulse Rifle.
Armor Team Mech Armor Set – Purchase from Eververse for $15 or 6,000 Bright Dust.


Tip: You don’t need a Cipher Decoder to open Haunted Lost Sector chests this year!

Festival of the Lost Masks

Collect unique masks to show off during the event. Some are returning favorites, while others are new. Here’s the full list:

Mask How to Obtain
Blueberry Mask Complete the Lost but Not Forgotten quest.
Bread Mask Complete activities in the Haunted Sector playlist.
Caiatl Mask Defeat combatants using Arc energy.
Riven Mask Complete ritual activities (Strikes, Crucible, Gambit).
Savathun Mask Complete 35 Haunted Sectors.
Telesto Mask Earn 17,500 Candy.
Fynch Mask Available for purchase with Silver or Bright Dust.
Star Horse Mask Available for purchase with Silver or Bright Dust.

Event Challenges: Earn the Ghost Writer Title

Complete all 17 Event Challenges to unlock the Ghost Writer title and get closer to the Reveler title. Here are some key challenges:

Challenge Objective Reward
Cryptozoologist Use a Manifested Page to restore a chapter. Blueberry Mask
Bookworm 1 Unlock 9 chapters in Tales of the Forgotten. Emblem & Festival T-Shirt code
Heads Will Roll Defeat 100 Headless Ones. 5 Spectral Pages
Candy Corner Earn 17,500 Candy from activities. Telesto Mask
Sniperstition Defeat enemies with Sniper Rifles. Mechabre Arc Sniper Rifle
Ghost Writer Complete all 16 challenges. Ascendant Shard & Ascendant Alloy

New Exotic Weapon: Mechabre Arc Sniper Rifle

The new Mechabre Arc Sniper Rifle is a must-have for both PvE and PvP. Its Voltshot perk is perfect for clearing enemies in PvE, while Search Party offers improved aim and movement speed in PvP.

Pro Tip: Focus on Haunted Lost Sectors for the best drop rates on the Mechabre Arc. Your Festival of the Lost Partner

Don’t miss out on exclusive rewards and titles! offers tailored services to help you maximize your Festival of the Lost experience. With, you can fully enjoy the event without missing out on any rewards.