Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Guide: Complete Walkthrough

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The Spire of the Watcher dungeon introduced in Season of the Seraph is one of the most exciting endgame activities in Destiny 2. With Tex Mechanica-inspired loot, challenging encounters, and the coveted Hierarchy of Needs Exotic Bow, this dungeon offers something for everyone. Here’s your complete guide to accessing, completing, and mastering Spire of the Watcher.

Accessing Spire of the Watcher

To unlock the dungeon, ensure you meet the following requirements:

Requirement Details
Witch Queen Deluxe Edition Includes access to Year 5 dungeons, including Spire of the Watcher.
Dungeon Key Purchase from the in-game store for 2,000 Silver if you own the standard edition.
Introductory Quest Complete “The Arrival” quest (free for all players).


Start the quest by visiting Ikora Rey in the Tower and picking up the “Ares Desperado” questline. The dungeon can then be accessed through Savathûn’s Throne World map.

Recommended Power Level: 1570 for Normal and 1610 for Master.

Best Class and Loadouts

While any class can succeed, here are the most effective builds:

Class Subclass Recommended Weapons
Titan Solar (Sunbreaker) Witherhoard, SMG (e.g., Funnelweb), Linear Fusion Rifle (e.g., Taipan 4FR).
Hunter Arc (Flow State) Gjallarhorn, Scout Rifle, Grenade Launcher (e.g., Wilderflight).
Warlock Solar (Starfire Protocol) Arbalest, Fusion Rifle, Rocket Launcher.

Spire of the Watcher Encounters

1. Opening Encounter: Reestablish Power

Objective: Activate Arc nodes by defeating Conduit Minotaurs, acquiring the Arctrician buff, and following the cables to complete circuits.

Steps Tips
Defeat enemies to spawn Conduit Minotaurs. Focus on Minotaurs first to ensure you always have the buff.
Follow the glowing cables to locate nodes. Nodes glow blue when activated; activate them in sequence to avoid wasting buff time.
Complete circuits to unlock the door to the next encounter. Each activation adds 5 seconds to your buff timer, so keep moving efficiently.

2. Ascend the Spire

Objective: Similar mechanics to the opening encounter, but this time you’ll be climbing the spire while activating nodes.

Steps Tips
Defeat Conduit Minotaurs and gain the Arctrician buff. Designate one player to focus on clearing enemies while others handle nodes.
Activate Arc nodes in sequence to power elevators and platforms. Carefully follow cables to avoid activating the wrong node.
Repeat the process across multiple floors until you reach the top. Look for glowing cables if you lose track of the next node.

3. Akelous, the Siren’s Current (First Boss)

Objective: Charge fuel rods using the Arctrician buff, then destroy Akelous’ red eyes to trigger the damage phase.

Steps Tips
Activate Arc nodes to charge fuel rods across four boardwalks. Ensure all players gather near the final activated rod for the damage phase.
Destroy Akelous’ red eyes as it deactivates fuel rods. Any primary weapon can destroy the eyes—precision isn’t necessary.
Deal damage to Akelous by targeting its central eye. Don’t get too close during the damage phase to avoid being blasted off the spire.
Repeat until Akelous is defeated. Balance your DPS loadout to maximize damage during the short phase.

4. Persys, Primordial Ruin (Final Boss)

Objective: Activate reactor core purges to make Persys vulnerable and deal damage.

Steps Tips
Defeat Incarceration Hydras to spawn Conduit Minotaurs and gain the Arctrician buff. Keep Hydras under control to avoid overwhelming your team.
Activate red nodes in the control room to open the door to the reactor room. Quickly coordinate node activation to save time.
Activate yellow nodes to arm the reactor purge and lure Persys into the reactor room. Assign one player to focus on leading Persys into the reactor room.
Seal Persys in the reactor room by closing doors using red nodes. Ensure all players retreat to the control room before activating the purge.
Deal damage to Persys during the reactor purge. Use heavy weapons and high DPS abilities during the short damage phase.
Repeat until Persys is defeated. Be patient and prioritize survival over rushing damage.

Spire of the Watcher Loot Table

Encounter Weapons Armor
Ascend the Spire Long Arm (Scout Rifle), Terminus Horizon (Machine Gun) Arms, Class Item
Akelous, the Siren’s Current Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver (Hand Cannon), Wilderflight (Grenade Launcher) Head, Chest
Persys, Primordial Ruin Hierarchy of Needs (Exotic Bow), Liminal Vigil (Sidearm) Legs, Any Armor Your Spire of the Watcher Partner

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