Discipline Priest Guide TWW

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Discipline Priest Overview

The Discipline Priest is one of the distinct healing specializations in World of Warcraft. One of the standout features of Discipline Priests is their ability to absorb incoming damage while healing through the damage they inflict. By mastering the powers of both Darkness and Light, Discipline Priests provide substantial healing to their allies while simultaneously dealing damage to foes, all thanks to Atonement.

Disciplin Priest WoW: The War Within

Discipline Priest Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✅ Absorbing damage. ⛔️ Mistakes are more punishing compared to other healers.
✅ High burst healing on a short cooldown. ⛔️ Have no strong cooldowns for self-defense.
✅ Strong cooldowns that decrease damage to the group. ⛔️ Hard to heal solo targets, especially if there’s no possibility of dealing damage.
✅ Strong at sustained spot healing in a Raid setting. ⛔️ Hard to master.
✅ Provides significant damage, without sacrificing healing. ⛔️ Weak for most affixes in Mythic+ that require regular periodic healing.
✅ Moderate mobility, able to cast most of the spells on the move. ⛔️ Reactive, raid-wide, emergency heals are limited compared to other healing specs.

Discipline Priest Changes In The War Within

In “The War Within,” the Discipline Priest talent trees—both specialization and class tree—have not undergone significant changes. Core spells remain intact, preserving the familiar gameplay experience for players.

The most significant change comes with the introduction of Hero Talents for Priests. The Priest talent tree has seen some minor adjustments, including the relocation of Mindgames to the PvP talents. New options have emerged, such as Cauterizing Shadows, Manipulation, and Phantom Reach, which have taken its place. While these new talents provide additional utility, they do not significantly alter the gameplay experience, allowing players to continue enjoying the classic style of the Discipline Priest in The War Within.

Discipline Priest Hero Talents

  • Oracle: This talent tree focuses on Premonition, offering cooldown reductions, absorb shields, and enhanced healing buffs. While it excels in raid healing, the Oracle tree lacks substantial DPS enhancements, making it less effective in Mythic+ content where sustained damage is essential.
  • Voidweaver: This tree emphasizes the enhancement of Mind Blast through Entropic Rift, allowing Voidweaver to enhance both healing and damage by creating rifts that deal AoE damage. This tree performs exceptionally well in scenarios where balancing damage and healing is critical, making it an excellent choice for general PvE content.
Oracle Voidweaver
Premonition Entropic Rift
Preventive Measures No Escape
Preemptive Care Dark Energy
Waste No Time Void Blast
Miraculous Recovery Inner Quietus
Assured Safety Devour Matter
Divine Feathers Void Empowerment
Save the Day Darkening Horizon
Foreseen Circumstances Depth of Shadows
Prophet’s Will Voidwraith
Desperate Measures Voidheart
Divine Providence Void Infusion
Fatebender Void Leech
Perfect Vision Embrace the Shadow
Clairvoyance Collapsing Void

Changes to The Existing Abilities And Talents

Embarking on your WoW Discipline Priest journey requires a solid grasp of the fundamentals. The core gameplay revolves around balancing healing and damage through Atonement. You apply Atonement to your allies using spells like Power Word: Shield, then heal them by dealing damage through abilities like Penance and Smite.Timing is essential; effectively managing cooldowns such as Rapture and Evangelism during intense damage phases maximizes your healing output. It’s crucial to prioritize proactive healing while maintaining Atonement uptime, as these two elements are at the heart of effective gameplay.

Discipline Priest Rotation

Starting your journey as a Discipline Priest in WoW requires a solid understanding of the core mechanics. The gameplay centers on balancing healing and damage through Atonement. You’ll apply Atonement to your teammates using spells like Power Word: Shield, and then heal them by dealing damage with abilities such as Penance and Smite.Timing is critical for success; managing cooldowns like Rapture and Evangelism during heavy damage phases will maximize your healing potential. Prioritizing proactive healing while ensuring Atonement uptime is essential, as these two factors are fundamental to effective gameplay.

Major Cooldowns

Spell Cooldown Description
Halo 1 min A ring of light around you, that heals allies and damages enemies.
Divine Star 15 sec Throw a star that heals allies on its path and damages the enemies.
Power Word: Barrier 3 min Reduces all damage taken by allies under the barrier by 25% for 10 seconds, making it a powerful raid-wide damage reduction tool.
Rapture 1.5 min Instantly increases the strength of your Power Word: Shield and allows you to cast it with no cooldown for 8 seconds, boosting your burst healing.
Evangelism 1.5 min Extends the duration of all active Atonements by 6 seconds, allowing you to maximize your healing during high-damage phases.
Pain Suppression 3 min Reduces damage taken by a single target by 40% for 8 seconds, ideal for preventing deaths during heavy incoming damage.
Shadowfiend 3 min Summons a shadowy fiend that attacks enemies and restores mana to you, providing a mix of damage and resource recovery.

Discipline Priest Build

Raid Oracle
AoE Mythic+/Delve

Discipline Priest Stats

The stat priority for WoW Discipline Priests is as follows:

  • Intellect;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery;
  • Versatility.

Intellect is the primary stat found on all gear pieces and is vital for casters, enhancing overall spell power.

Critical Strike is crucial for increasing damage output, which directly translates to enhanced healing as a Discipline Priest.

Haste is essential for reducing spell-casting times, allowing for quicker healing and damage-dealing abilities.

Mastery impacts your Mastery: Grace, which boosts healing on allies affected by Atonement.

Versatility provides a basic increase to both healing and damage, but it’s less effective than other stats and does not synergize with Atonement.

Discipline Priest Leveling

Leveling a Discipline Priest can be a straightforward process, but it often feels time-consuming and somewhat monotonous. Experienced players know that leveling a new character can become routine. You have two primary options for progressing:

  • Dungeons. Starting at level 15, you can queue for dungeons, hoping to find an instant group with higher-level players who can help carry you through. This method offers decent XP gains.
  • Quests. Begin your leveling journey by selecting a storyline and tackling each quest. The best expansions for questing are either Draenor or Legion, which provide excellent narrative and XP opportunities.

Alternatively, you can opt for Power Leveling. This option is even more convenient, as it allows you to sit back and let our professional team handle the leveling process for you, ensuring you reach your desired level effortlessly.

Best Gear for Discipline Priest

Slot Item Source
Head Devotee’s Discarded Headdress Rasha’nan
Neck Sureki Zealot’s Insignia Sikran
Shoulders Living Luster’s Dominion Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Rasha’nan
Chest Living Luster’s Raiment Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Vitriolic Veinwoven Wraps City of Threads
Gloves Living Luster’s Touch Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Belt Burrower’s Cinch Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Legs Living Luster’s Trousers Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Tainted Earthshard Walkers The Stonevault
Ring Key to the Unseeming The Bloodbound Horror
Ring Band of the Ancient Dredger Siege of Boralus
Trinket Spymaster’s Web Anub’arash
Trinket Gale of Shadows Grim Batol
Staff Krix’vizk’s Speech Rod City of Threads
Main Hand Sovereign’s Disdain Queen Ansurek
Off Hand Pail of Preserved Obscurity City of Threads

Best Discipline Priest Trinkets

When it comes to the best trinkets in The War Within, players of every class and specialization can discover valuable options for their characters. S-tier trinkets are particularly desirable for any Discipline Priest, as they are typically dropped by Mythic+ bosses. If you have your sights set on a specific trinket, consider our Dungeon Trinkets farming service. Our expert players are dedicated to obtaining your desired item as quickly as possible.
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier

Tier Set Bonuses for Discipline Priest

The Shards of Living Luster serves as the Tier Set for Discipline Priests in Season 1 of The War Within.

2-set Atonement healing increased by 5.0%.
4-set Smite and Penance increase the damage of your next Mind Blast by 25% or absorb an amount of your next Power Word: Shield by 15%, up to 3 times.

Best Consumables for Discipline Priest

Type Best Options
Flask Flask of Tempered Swiftness Flask of Alchemical Chaos
Combat Potion Algari Mana Potion Slumbering Soul Serum
Health Potion Algari Healing Potion
Weapon Buff Algari Mana Oil
Augment Rune Crystallized Augment Rune
Food zzOld Do Not Use (DNT) zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
Diamond Culminating Blasphemite Insightful Blasphemite
Other Gems Deadly Emerald

Best Discipline Priest Enchants

Slot Best Enchant Cheaper Version
Weapon Enchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve
Cloak Enchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
Chest Enchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
Bracers Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
Legs Sunset Spellthread
Boots Enchant Boots – Defender’s March Enchant Boots – Scout’s March
Ring – Regular Enchant Ring – Radiant Haste Enchant Ring – Glimmering Haste
Boots Enchant Boots – Watcher’s Loam
Ring Enchant Ring – Devotion of Haste Enchant Ring – Writ of Haste

Discipline Priest End-Game

The end-game experience in The War Within is abundant with quests and activities to engage in, but you’ll likely find yourself focusing primarily on 5-man content, including Raids and Mythic+ dungeons. These activities are essential for acquiring the best-in-slot (BiS) gear and improving your rating. Achieving a higher rating not only enhances your prestige but also unlocks valuable rewards, especially once you surpass a 2000+ Mythic score.

Additionally, you can explore PvP activities and discover new methods for obtaining PvP gear. It’s important to note that in The War Within, PvP no longer provides Great Vault rewards. The focus has shifted to crafted gear and equipment acquired through PvP currencies.