Mastering The Stonevault – War Within Season 1: Comprehensive Guide

Table of contents

First Boss: E.D.N.A

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

– Earth Infused Golem: Uses Ground Pound to slow and damage players within 30 yards. Seismic Wave, a frontal cone attack, targets a random player.
– Cursedheart Invader: Deals damage to the current Tank with Arcing Void, which then jumps to up to three more players for reduced damage. Void Infection is a debuff that damages over time and can be dispelled.
– Ghastly Voidsoul: Uses Howling Fear, which must be interrupted to prevent a 4-second fear on players.
– Repurposed Loaderbot: Executes Pulverizing Pounce, jumping on a random player and knocking back others in the area.

E.D.N.A’s Notable Abilities

Earth Shatterer: Slams the ground, damaging all players and destroying any remaining Volatile Spikes. Damage increases with more Volatile Spikes left.
Volatile Spike: Red circles on the ground that explode if stepped on or hit by certain abilities, causing group-wide damage.
Refracting Beam: Targets up to three players, shooting projectiles that destroy Volatile Spikes in their path.
Seismic Smash: Deals heavy damage to the current Tank, applying a damage-over-time debuff that grants E.D.N.A an Earth Shield if not dispelled.

Second Boss: Skarmorak

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Void Bound Despoiler: Uses Void Storm to damage all players during its channel, and Defiling Outburst, which must be interrupted to prevent increased damage taken.
Engine Speaker: Applies Concussive Smash to slow their target, with stacks increasing the effect.
Voidbound Howler: Uses Piercing Wail, dealing damage and increasing subsequent damage taken from Piercing Wail stacks.
Turned Speaker: Censoring Gear fires a projectile at a random player, dealing damage and silencing those hit.
Void Touched Elemental: Uses Crystal Salvo, dealing damage within a 3-yard radius.

Skarmorak’s Notable Abilities

Crystalline Smash: Slams the Tank, spawning Crystal Shards that deal heavy damage upon impact.
Crystalline Eruption: Explodes upon death of Crystal Shards, causing group-wide damage and a stacking debuff that increases damage taken.
Unstable Crash: Slams the ground, launching Void Fragments that grant Void Empowerment, increasing damage against absorb shields.
Reclaim: Gains an absorb shield that increases with more Crystal Shards alive, using Void Discharge to deal stacking Shadow damage every 2 seconds.

Third Boss: Forge Speakers

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Skardyn Invader: Uses Void Infection and Arcing Void, similar to previous enemies.
Aspiring Forgehand: Applies Fracture with auto-attacks, increasing damage taken by 5% per stack.
Forgebound Mender: Uses Alloy Bolt and Restoring Metals, the latter needing to be interrupted to prevent healing.
Forge Loader: Fires Lava Cannon and Molten Mortar, both dealing damage and applying damage-over-time debuffs.

Forge Speakers’ Notable Abilities

Silenced Speaker: Increases damage of the surviving boss by 75% and deals medium fire damage per second if one boss is killed before the other.
Speaker Brokk
Activate Ventilation: Deals damage to all players, especially those on vents, and shoots out Flaming Scrap.
Molten Metal: Deals Fire damage and slows targets, interruptible.
Scrap Song: Sends a metal cube across the room, dealing Physical damage and stunning players hit.
Speaker Dorlita
Scrap Song: Destroys metal cubes in a large explosion that must be avoided.
Lava Expulsion: Fires molten projectiles that clear Metal Scrap pools on the floor.
Molten Hammer: Deals heavy damage to the Tank.

Final Boss: High Speaker Eirich

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Cursedforge Honor Guard: Uses Shield Stampede to charge and stun players, indicated by a blue arrow.
Stonebreaker: Uses Smash Rock, requiring the Tank to face them away to prevent increased damage to players.
Cursedforge Mender: Similar to previous enemies, uses Alloy Bolt and Restoring Metals.
Rock Smasher: Uses Smash Rock and Granite Eruption, both dealing heavy damage and needing careful positioning.
Cursedforge Stoneshaper: Uses Stone Bolt and Earth Burst Totem, the latter needing to be destroyed quickly.

High Speaker Eirich’s Notable Abilities

Void Rift: Opens rifts that pull in players, killing those within 3 yards of the center.
Void Corruption: Debuff that deals increasing damage over time, cleared by walking within 15 yards of a Void Rift.
Entropic Reckoning: Shoots projectiles that must be dodged, leaving damaging void zones.
Unbridled Void: Fires a frontal cone attack, dealing Shadow damage to all players in its path.
Master The Stonevault – War Within Season 1 with these strategies and insights, ensuring your victory against every boss and challenge!