Players single-handedly defeated Prince Grommoran in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery.

Onlyfarms - Prince Grommoran defeated in WoW Classic's "Season of Discovery".

In the fifth stage of WoW Classic’s “Season of Discovery,” developers slightly updated Prince Grommoran, transforming him into a world boss for groups of 20-40 players and relocating him from the open world to a separate raid. Despite being designed for full raids, the relative simplicity of his mechanics allowed particularly skilled players, such as warlocks and shamans, to defeat him solo.

Recently, a shaman named Morzius showcased his solo victory over Grommoran. He utilized various world buffs, consumable items, and spent 1.5 hours to achieve this feat. As a result, he received full loot as if from an entire raid, including three pieces of gear and 100 gold.


Prince Thunderaan solo by shaman
byu/Morzius inclassicwow


You can find VOD’s of similar achievements from warlocks here:

The developers took a look at all this and, with today’s hotfixes, strengthened the Prince, making a solo victory over him impossible:

Quote: Hotfixes – October 7, 2024
“Season of Discovery” WoW Classic
Prince Grommoran’s “Tempest” damage now increases with each application, “Chain Lightning” now reliably triggers every time, the damage of “Stormcloud” and “Gusts of Wind” has been increased, and “Stormcloud” now deals damage more frequently.