Solstice of Heroes Guide – Destiny 2

Table of contents


The Solstice of Heroes is an annual Destiny 2 event, and the 14th Season of the Splicer is no exception. This year’s event runs from July 6 to August 3, 2021.

Official Bungie Announcement:

“Each day of the month-long event will be assigned an element. Guardians will need to match their attacks with the daily element in order to charge one of four unique elemental buffs. On Prism days, Guardians can charge all four buffs, but can only activate one at a time.

This year’s Solstice of Heroes introduces a new Legendary Shotgun, Exotic Ghost Shell, emblem, and Solstice Packages. Eververse offers glowing universal ornaments for Silver or Bright Dust, matched to the Guardian’s equipped subclass. New ships, Sparrows, and cosmetics will also be up for collection!”

Event Activities and Armor Upgrades

European Aerial Zone (EAZ)

The European Aerial Zone (EAZ) takes place around the European Dead Zone (EDZ) and can be accessed from the Tower. The objective is to eliminate minibosses within a time limit. The more minibosses defeated, the more chests you can find after the final boss.

  • Solstice Packages & Key Fragments drop from chests.
  • 15 Solstice Key Fragments are required to open Solstice Packages.
  • Solstice Key Fragments can be earned from all Solstice activities.

New Event Weapon – Compass Rose Shotgun

Compass Rose is the new Legendary Shotgun introduced in Solstice of Heroes 2021. This PvP-friendly shotgun offers god roll perk combinations in the current meta. With recent 55 RPM shotgun nerfs, Compass Rose has emerged as a top-tier choice alongside Riiswalker and Retold Tale.

Elemental Orbs & Daily Elemental Buffs

Each day, one of the three Light-based subclasses (Arc, Solar, Void) is empowered, allowing Guardians to harness specific elemental buffs. Collect 30 Elemental Orbs matching the daily element to activate the buff:

Element Effect
Arc Increased speed and enhanced Melee & Sword damage.
Solar Emits a burning energy wave that damages enemies.
Void Crouching grants Truesight & ability regeneration.
Stasis Stasis empowerment (limited activation).

Armor Upgrade System

The Solstice Armor Set can be upgraded from Renewed → Majestic → Magnificent by completing challenges. Below are the upgrade requirements per class:

Warlock Armor Upgrades

Piece Renewed Requirements Majestic Requirements Magnificent Requirements
Helmet Complete EAZ, Collect 200 Elemental Orbs, Finishers (20) Defeat 3 minibosses in one EAZ run, Collect 500 Elemental Orbs, Rapid defeats (100) Complete Master/Grandmaster Nightfall
Gauntlets Strikes, Crucible, or Gambit (1), Open Solstice Packages (10), Defeat Cabal (200) Complete Altars of Sorrow/Override (100%), Arc Weapon Kills (200) Complete a Raid
Chest Public Events (2), Collect Void/Stasis Orbs (50), Defeat Guardians in Crucible/Gambit (30) Blind Well/Wrathborn Hunts (100%), Collect 50 Solstice Key Fragments Complete a Dungeon
Legs Patrols (1), Collect Orbs of Power (50), Super Ability Kills (50) Battlegrounds/Europa Activities (100%), Playlist Solar/Stasis Orbs (100) Defeat Champions/Guardians in Competitive (15)
Class Item Lost Sectors (3), Collect Arc Orbs in Free Roam (200), Precision Kills (100) Nightfall/Competitive (3), EAZ Void Orbs (50), Defeat Powerful Fallen (50) Complete 3 Legend/Master Lost Sectors

Titan Armor Upgrades (Follows similar progression to Warlock requirements)

Hunter Armor Upgrades (Follows similar progression to Warlock requirements)

Exclusive Solstice Rewards

Solstice Rewards are available only once a year, making this a limited-time opportunity. Rewards include:

  • Full Solstice Armor Set with glowing ornaments.
  • Exclusive Legendary Compass Rose Shotgun with top-tier perks.
  • Seasonal Cosmetics from Eververse.
  • Emblems, Sparrows, and more collectibles. – Your Destiny 2 Boosting Experts

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