Demonology Warlock Overview
The Demonology Warlock in WoW offers a versatile DPS specialization, capable of summoning hordes of minions to fight alongside you while you generate resources during combat. This specialization becomes highly efficient and rapid once players navigate the initial learning curve. Demonology Warlocks excel in encounters that require steady mobility rather than chaotic movement patterns.
A key benefit of the Demonology spec is the ability to utilize the Demonic Gateway, which allows your entire team to be transported 40 yards forward, enhancing mobility in challenging encounters.
In World of Warcraft, the Demonology Warlock stands out as the most effective Warlock specialization, providing strong performance in both single-target and AoE damage. With the introduction of a new tier set, players can enjoy a fresh optimization approach for multitarget situations while preserving the core essence of the spec. The recent rework has successfully improved the specialization, ensuring a more balanced damage profile and resource management, effectively eliminating niche scenarios where resources could be hoarded for substantial burst damage moments.
Demonology Warlock Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths | Weaknesses |
✅Survivability; | ⛔️Lack immunity; |
✅Variable talent options; | ⛔️Ramp-up DPS mechanic; |
✅Soulstone and Demonic Gateway. | ⛔️Low-Burst DPS in most situations. |
Demonology Warlock Changes in The War Within
In *The War Within*, you won’t encounter major shifts in gameplay mechanics. However, the talents of the Demonology Warlock in WoW have undergone some significant reworks. The Season 1 Tier Set bonus has been updated, now enhancing Shadow Bolt.
- Summon Dreadstalkers can now generate a Demonic Core upon fading;
- Rune of Shadows is a new talent that increases our Shadow Bolt damage;
- Summon Demonic Tyrant now features a baseline cooldown of 1 minute;
- Demonic Circle is no longer a baseline ability;
- Demonic Tactics has been introduced as a new output node;
- Nether Portal and its associated nodes, Ner’zhul’s Volition and Gul’dan’s Ambition, have been removed.
Demonology Warlock Hero Talents
Basics of Demonology Warlock Gameplay
Demonology Warlocks thrive on casting spells without interruption, as any downtime can significantly hinder their performance. The rotation is both straightforward and intuitive. Continuously generate Soul Shards by using Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt, then spend those resources on powerful spells like Call Dreadstalkers and Hand of Gul’dan.
Demonology Warlock Rotation
Single-Target Demonology Warlock Rotation
- Cast Grimoire: Felguard whenever available;
- Cast Summon Vilefiend whenever available;
- Cast Demonic Strength whenever available;
- Cast Guillotine whenever available;
- Cast Bilescourge Bombers whenever available;
- Cast Call Dreadstalkers whenever available;
- Cast Hand of Gul’dan if you have 4-5 Soul Shards;
- Maintain Doom, paying attention to not be at 5 Soul Shards when it expires;
- Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core;
- Cast Power Siphon with 2 or less Demonic Core;
- Cast Hand of Gul’dan with 3 Soul Shards;
- Cast Soul Strike whenever available when at 4 or less Soul Shards;
- Cast Shadow Bolt to generate Soul Shards.
Grand Warlock’s Design
significantly alters the timing and cooldown management of the specialization, providing a more intuitive and straightforward 1-minute rotation that naturally aligns with 2-minute buffs and trinkets.
To effectively establish this loop with maximum efficiency, several factors need to be taken into account.
- Always delay Summon Vilefiend in order to extend the demon with Tyrant.
- Always line up Grimoire: Felguard with a Tyrant extension.
At the start of a fight, it’s recommended to cast Demonic Core and Demonbolt on separate targets to apply multiple Brands. This strategy will allow them to detonate in succession, rather than concentrating solely on one target, which can reduce the Brand timer.
AoE Demonology Warlock Rotation
Demonology maintains a consistent playstyle, even when faced with multiple targets. The ability Implosion stands out as the only skill that deviates from the single-target rotation, which is important to note.
When confronting multiple stacked enemies, Implosion is often utilized for additional damage. Imps contribute substantial damage over time and generate Implosion damage right before they vanish. This approach also facilitates more frequent Demonic Core procs in the short term, providing extra resources for Hand of Gul’dan.
- Begin with Grimoire: Felguard;
- Follow up with Summon Vilefiend;
- Cast Call Dreadstalkers whenever it’s available;
- Use Guillotine whenever it’s ready;
- Activate Demonic Strength as it becomes available;
- Deploy Bilescourge Bombers when you can;
- Cast Soul Strike whenever possible;
- Use Hand of Gul’dan if you have 4-5 Soul Shards;
- Utilize Implosion to detonate Wild Imps against 2 or more targets;
- Cast Demonbolt if you have 3 or more stacks of Demonic Core;
- Use Power Siphon to generate more Demonic Cores;
- Cast Shadow Bolt to generate additional Soul Shards.
In scenarios with numerous targets and no specific damage priorities—such as during dungeon trash waves—when the Tyrant is on cooldown, you should refrain from casting Summon Vilefiend (without Fel Invocation). Instead, focus on using your Soul Shards for more frequent Hand of Gul’dan casts and Implosion uses. Always include Call Dreadstalkers in your AoE rotation, as it still provides Demonic Core procs.
If you have invested in additional AoE talents, like Bilescourge Bombers, make sure to use these abilities primarily on cooldown or when you assess that they will yield maximum benefit.
Demonology Warlock Talent Builds
AoE Mythic+
Demonology Warlock Stats
- Item Level;
- Intellect;
- Haste (aim for approximately 27%*);
- Versatility = Critical Strike;
- Mastery;
- Haste beyond 27%.
Note: This priority may vary based on your gear level. It’s advisable to regularly simulate your character to identify the best stat allocation for your unique setup.
This stat priority was established using a Simulation Craft profile featuring standard BiS gear for a WoW Demonology Warlock, reflecting normalized stats. While this represents a fairly “average” gear setup, it’s important to interpret this information with caution. Simulating your character is highly recommended to ascertain which stats offer the maximum benefit, as this can fluctuate based on your specific ratios.
Overall, Haste is generally regarded as the best secondary stat. In single-target scenarios, Critical Strike and, to a lesser extent, Versatility become more valuable, as damage distribution leans more toward player damage, thus minimizing the influence of Mastery.
Mastery continues to be valuable, particularly regarding the damage output of pets and guardians. Its significance increases as more targets become involved, shifting the damage profile toward AoE generated by pets and the casting of Implosion.
Demonology Warlock Leveling
Here’s a list of key leveling abilities for the Demonology Warlock:
- Shadow Bolt — Your primary filler ability, generating 1 Soul Shard.
- Hand of Gul’dan — The main Soul Shard spender, effective in both AoE and single-target encounters.
- Soulstone — Your combat resurrection spell, usable before or immediately after a teammate’s death.
- Ritual of Summoning — Allows you to summon allies with the assistance of your teammates.
- Summon Felguard — Summons a powerful melee demon.
- Summon Imp — Summons a ranged caster demon.
- Summon Voidwalker — Summons a tanky melee demon.
- Summon Sayaad — Summons demons with control abilities.
- Summon Felhunter — Summons a melee demon capable of dispelling and interrupting.
Best Gear for Demonology Warlock
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Devotee’s Discarded Headdress | Rasha’nan |
Neck | Sureki Zealot’s Insignia | Sikran |
Shoulders | Hexflame Coven’s Altar | Catalyst, Raid, or Great Vault |
Cloak | Wings of Shattered Sorrow | Rasha’nan |
Chest | Hexflame Coven’s Ritual Harness | Catalyst, Raid, or Great Vault |
Wrist | Skeinspinner’s Duplicitous Cuffs | Anub’arash |
Gloves | Hexflame Coven’s Sleeves | Catalyst, Raid, or Great Vault |
Belt | Acrid Ascendant’s Sash | undefined |
Legs | Hexflame Coven’s Leggings | Catalyst, Raid, or Great Vault |
Boots | Consecrated Slippers | Tailoring |
Ring | Key to the Unseeming | The Bloodbound Horror |
Ring | Seal of the Poisoned Pact | undefined |
Trinket | Spymaster’s Web | Anub’arash |
Trinket | Empowering Crystal of Anub’ikkaj | The Dawnbreaker |
Main Hand | Sovereign’s Disdain | Queen Ansurek |
Off-Hand | Vagabond’s Torch | Inscription |
Staff | Takazj’s Entropic Edict | Anub’arash |
Best Trinkets for Demonology Warlock
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
If you have already used SimCraft and your top trinket isn’t included in this list or is from dungeons, feel free to reach out to our team. We can help you acquire the desired Dungeon Trinket of your choice.
Tier Set Bonuses for Demonology Warlock
Rites of the Hexflame Coven is the Warlock Tier Set for Season 1 in the War Within.
2-set | Your primary demon deals 5% increased damage, and your Shadow Bolt damage is increased by 50%. |
4-set | Shadow Bolt has a chance to enrage your primary Felguard, increasing the damage of their next Legion Strike by 300%. |
Best Crafted Gear for Demonology Warlock
- Consecrated Slippers — good option for feet slot;
- Vagabond’s Torch — impressive Off-Hand;
- Charged Hexsword — main hand weapon, simple and reliable with decent stats.
Best Consumables for Demonology Warlock
Type | Best | Options |
Flask | Flask of Tempered Swiftness | Flask of Alchemical Chaos |
Combat Potion | Tempered Potion | Potion of Unwavering Focus |
Health Potion | Algari Healing Potion | — |
Weapon Buff | Algari Mana Oil | — |
Augment Rune | Crystallized Augment Rune | — |
Food | Feast of the Midnight Masquerade | Everything Stew |
Diamond | Culminating Blasphemite | — |
Other Gems | Masterful Emerald | — |
Best Demonology Warlock Enchants
Slot | Best Enchant | Cheaper Version |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury | Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace | Enchant Cloak – Whisper of Silken Avoidance |
Chest | Enchant Chest – Council’s Intellect | — |
Bracers | Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance | Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech |
Legs | Sunset Spellthread | Weavercloth Spellthread |
Boots | Enchant Boots – Defender’s March | — |
Ring – Regular | Enchant Ring – Radiant Haste | Enchant Ring – Glimmering Haste |
Ring – Cursed | Enchant Ring – Cursed Haste | — |
Demonology Warlock End-Game
End-game content in World of Warcraft encompasses raiding, Mythic+, and PvP, with class performance varying across these areas. The Demonology Warlock stands out as a flexible and adaptive class, excelling in all forms of end-game content. You’ll have a fantastic and enjoyable experience as you progress through these challenges. PvP offers one of the most thrilling avenues, with the prestigious Gladiator Title being the ultimate reward that we can help you achieve.