WoW Hotfixes – October 14, 2024

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Blizzard has released a set of urgent hotfixes for The War Within. These updates address various issues including achievements, class abilities, dungeons, and raids. The fixes also include previously announced adjustments to the Queen Ansurek encounter and ensure that Crests and Valor Stones from defeating Zek’vir in his lair are only granted once per character per week.


Hotfixes – October 14, 2024

  • Achievements:

The achievements “Voice of the Spiderfolk,” “True Power,” and “Great Pattern” now function as intended.

  • Classes:

Mage: Fire
Fixed an issue with the damage bonus from “Ignition” due to the “Controlled Destruction” talent.

Warlock: Demonology
Fixed an issue where “Doom of Worlds” and “Hellfire Bolt” couldn’t be interrupted.

  • Raids and Dungeons:

Zek’vir’s Lair:
Victory over Zek’vir now awards Crests and Valor Stones only once per week per character.

Timewalking: Wrath of the Lich King:
Fixed an issue preventing players from obtaining the Titanic Prison Fragment if Yogg-Saron was already defeated that week.

Shining Dawn Dungeon:

  • Rash’nan no longer continues to fight players after her health drops below 60%.
  • Fixed an issue where “Creeping Shadows” could be dispelled using immunity effects.

Siege of Boralus:

  • Fixed an issue where “Flame Ricochet” didn’t apply a damage-over-time effect when the target was too far.
  • Fixed an issue where “Target for Artillery” did not hit players standing too far from Dread Captain Lockwood.

Stone Vault Dungeon:
Fixed an issue where summoned objects like Automated Hammer could destroy “Unstable Spikes” on ZAZU.

Nerub’ar Palace – Queen Ansurek:

Heroic Mode:

  • “Foamy Toxin” damage reduced by 15%.
  • “Dark Eruption” damage reduced by 15%.
  • Only surviving players are counted when calculating max stacks of “Foamy Toxin”.

Mythic Mode:

  • Queen Ansurek’s health reduced by 5%.
  • “Foamy Toxin” damage reduced by 26.7%.
  • Silken Tomb health reduced by 20%.
  • “Tear” damage reduced by 25% during the transition phase.
  • “Grasping Silk” max size reduced by 10%.
  • Cast time of “Shadow Gates” increased by 20%.
  • “Dark Eruption” damage reduced by 25%.
  • Periodic damage from “Essence of the Acolyte” reduced by 15%.
  • Duration of “Damaged Essence” reduced by 50%.
  • “Royal Verdict” damage reduced by 10%.
  • Health of Summoned Acolyte and its “Shadow Barrier” reduced by 15%.
  • Health of Royal Shackles reduced by 15%.

PvP: Fixed an issue where participating in Battlefield Blitz at a lower-than-required rank counted towards earning the Savage Naberex mount.

Conclusion and FAQ

These WoW hotfixes for The War Within address critical issues across multiple gameplay areas. From adjusting class abilities to raid challenges, players can now experience smoother gameplay. And while you’re fine-tuning your raid strategy, don’t forget that Onlyfarms can help you boost your performance with top-tier services, including raid carries, PvP coaching, and in-game content assistance. Visit to explore all the boosting services that will take your gameplay to the next level!


What was fixed in the October 14, 2024, WoW hotfixes?
The hotfixes addressed achievements, class abilities for Mages and Warlocks, raid encounters including Queen Ansurek, and PvP participation issues.

What changes were made to the Queen Ansurek encounter?
Queen Ansurek’s health and damage were reduced in both Heroic and Mythic difficulties, alongside other mechanics adjustments.

How often can I earn Crests and Valor Stones from Zek’vir?
You can earn Crests and Valor Stones once per week per character after defeating Zek’vir.

What issues were resolved in Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking?
The hotfix addressed an issue that prevented obtaining the Titanic Prison Fragment if Yogg-Saron was already defeated.

How can Onlyfarms services help me in WoW?
Onlyfarms offers comprehensive boosting services, including raid carries, PvP assistance, and coaching to help you achieve your in-game goals!