WoW War Within | Date of Release and Overview

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WoW: War Within Premiere Date

Finally! World of Warcraft: War Within WILL BE released on August 26th at 3 PM PDT. For those who purchased the full setup, early access begins on August 22nd, 2024. This means you can jump into the new content a few days earlier and get a head start.

Time Zone Release Time Early Access Time
GMT-7 (PDT) 3:00 PM, August 26 3:00 PM, August 22
GMT-6 (MDT) 4:00 PM, August 26 4:00 PM, August 22
GMT-5 (CDT) 5:00 PM, August 26 5:00 PM, August 22
GMT-4 (EDT) 6:00 PM, August 26 6:00 PM, August 22
GMT+0 (UTC) 10:00 PM, August 26 10:00 PM, August 22
GMT+1 (BST) 11:00 PM, August 26 11:00 PM, August 22
GMT+2 (CEST) 12:00 AM, August 27 12:00 AM, August 23
GMT+3 (MSK) 1:00 AM, August 27 1:00 AM, August 23
GMT+8 (CST) 6:00 AM, August 27 6:00 AM, August 23
GMT+9 (JST) 7:00 AM, August 27 7:00 AM, August 23


WoW War Within | Outline

Feature The War Within (August 26th, 2024) Dragonflight (November 28th, 2022)
Epic Edition $89.99 – Heroic Edition plus 1000 Trader’s Tender, 30 days game time, Beta access, 3 days early access, Squally toy, Deepdweller’s Earthen Hearthstone effect $89.99 – Heroic Edition plus Timewalker’s Hearthstone effect, Diadem of the Spell-Keeper head-slot transmog, and 30 days of game time
New Features Delves, Warbands, Hero Talents, Earthen allied race, Dynamic Flying, 4 new zones Dragonriding, New Talent System, Dracthyr Evoker class, Dragon Isles zones
New Landmass Khaz Algar Dragon Isles
Starting Zone Isle of Dorn The Waking Shores
New Endgame Content Delves Dragonflight dungeons and raids
Account-Wide Progression System Warbands N/A
New Class Features Hero Talents Dracthyr Evoker class
Flying System Dynamic Flying Dragonriding
Level-Up Dungeons The Rookery, The Stonevault, Priory of the Sacred Flame, City of Threads Ruby Life Pools, The Nokhud Offensive, Brackenhide Hollow, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Max-Level Dungeons Cinderbrew Meadery, Darkflame Cleft, The Dawnbreaker, Old City Halls of Infusion, Neltharus, Algeth’ar Academy, The Azure Vault
New Raid Nerub’ar Palace – 8 bosses Vault of the Incarnates – 8 bosses

WoW War Within | New Continent

World of Warcraft: War Within transports gamers to Khaz Algar, an enigmatic underworld territory brimming with new places like the rugged Isle of Dorn and the eerie Azj-Kahet. Prepare to delve into this subterranean world featuring Dynamic Flying, distinct Hero Talent trees, and the inclusion of the Earthen allies. Embark on a thrilling expedition into the depths of Azeroth!

Zone Name Unique Features
Khaz Algar An underground territory abundant with ancient secrets and pitch-black threats.
Isle of Dorn The starting zone for the new Earthen race, featuring mountainous landscapes and flourishing landscape.
The Ringing Deeps Massive caverns where the Earthen maintain timeworn Titan technology.
Hallowfall A cratered landscape dominated by a giant crystal, under perpetual menace from nerubian culture.
Azj-Kahet The dismal heart of nerubian population, teeming with danger and serving as the base of the Harbinger’s power.


WoW War Within | New Race

The World of Warcraft: War Within expansion brings the Earthen to the forefront as the latest allied race. These resilient and mystical titan-forged beings, inherently linked to Azeroth’s essence, are now available for both Horde and Alliance players. Immerse yourself in their distinctive narratives, beginning in the picturesque Isle of Dorn, and discover what it means to be a fundamental element of Azeroth in WoW’s newest update.

Feature Details:
  • Allied Race: Earthen Titan — molded beings intricately connected to Azeroth’s core.
  • Entry: Isle of Dorn – a highland and verdant region, serving as the cultural epicenter of the Earthen.
  • Capital City: Dornogal — a nexus accessible to both Horde and Alliance.
  • Exceptional Aspect: Profoundly integrated with Azeroth’s essence, offering exclusive racial skills.
  • Introduction Zone: The Ringing Deeps — where the Earthen collaborates with prehistoric Titan technology.

WoW War Within | Delves

Gear up for quick, action-packed fun with the new Delves in World of Warcraft: War Within! These mini-dungeons, lasting just 10-15 minutes, can be tackled solo or with up to five friends. You’ll face various challenges, from tough bosses to tricky puzzles, and score loot comparable to what you’d find in bigger raids.

  • Isle of Dorn:
– Earthcrawl Mines: Explore mining tunnels with hidden treasures.
– Kriegval’s Rest: Battle ancient burial grounds with restless spirits.
– Fungal Folly: Navigate a maze of giant fungi and spore-laden air.
  • Hallowfall:
– Hallowfall: Uncover secrets of a cratered landscape under a giant crystal.
– Skittering Breach: Fight swarms of creepy crawlies in tight spaces.
– Nightfall Sanctum: Delve into ancient, dark ruins.
– The Sinkhole: Descend into a perilous massive sinkhole.
– Mycomancer Cavern: Challenge a powerful fungal mage.
  • The Ringing Deeps:
– The Ringing Deeps: Explore vast caverns with ancient machine sounds.
– The Waterworks: Tackle water-based puzzles and aquatic foes.
– The Dread Pit: Survive fiery volcanic challenges.
– Deepwalker Hold: Confront earth elementals in their fortress.
  • Azj-Kahet:
– The Spiral Weave: Navigate a complex, ever-changing labyrinth.
– Rak-Rethan Abyss: Plunge into an abyss with nefarious enemies.
– Xev’zikk’s Lair: Face Xev’zikk in a battle of wits and strength.
Each Delve is uniquely themed to keep your adventures fresh and engaging, offering challenges and rewards that are worth diving into.

WoW War Within | Crests

Prepare to elevate your equipment with the new Harbinger Crests in WoW: War Within! These valuable tokens are designed to enhance your equipment, helping you face tougher challenges across the Khaz Algar zones. Whether you’re raiding in Nerub’ar Palace or exploring the Isle of Dorn, these crests come in four tiers—from the basic Weathered to the prestigious Gilded—each tailored for various stages of gameplay. Dive into the War Within expansion, collect these crests, and gear up for some intense action!
  • Weathered Harbinger Crest can be found in Heroic dungeons, LFR Nerub’ar Palace, and outdoor adventures. It’s perfect for initial gear upgrades and leisure play.
  • Carved Harbinger Crest is located in M0 dungeons, Normal Nerub’ar Palace, and selected outdoor activities. Ideal for mid-level players, it helps tackle tougher PvE content.
  • Runed Harbinger Crest is obtained from +4 to +8 Mythic keystones and Heroic Nerub’ar Palace. It is used for advanced gear upgrades and can be transformed into Enchanted Aspect’s Awakened Crest.
  • Gilded Harbinger Crest is available from +9 or higher Mythic keystones and Mythic Nerub’ar Palace. It is crucial for maxing out gear in the most challenging scenarios.
Collect these crests to enhance your gear and dominate the toughest content in War Within!

WoW War Within | Updated Hero Talents

Get pumped for the latest Hero Talent trees in World of Warcraft: War Within! Starting at level 71, you can fine-tune your character’s abilities with these dynamic trees, enhancing your hero’s abilities for whatever challenges Azeroth throws your way.
At level 71, three talent trees per class become available, with one talent point granted per level up to 80. The cost to respec is low, allowing you to mix and match talents to fit your style, whether you’re raiding or exploring.
Mix and match talents to fit your style, whether you’re raiding or exploring.

WoW War Within | New Gear

Expect an array of cool new weapons and trinkets designed to suit every playstyle, from raiders to dungeon delvers. Whether it’s the Cantrip Weapons that adapt to your needs or the uniquely powerful trinkets with game-changing effects, there’s something to boost everyone’s battle prowess in the new Khaz Algar zones.
Fateweaved Needle: A 350-level dagger that increases intellect, adds stamina, and enhances spell impact with cosmic damage.
Befouler’s Syringe: A 350-level polearm that boosts stamina and haste, with a chance to deal nature damage over time.
Void Reaper’s Warp Blade: A 571-level fist weapon that adds agility, stamina, critical strike, and triggers shadow damage with Queensbane.
Reactive Webbed Escutcheon: A 350-level shield that adds strength, intellect, and bonus armor, with a magic damage absorption effect.
Skyterror’s Corrosive Organ: A 571-level trinket that focuses on strength, damages, and intensifies acid effects on targets.
Creeping Coagulum: A 571-level trinket that boosts intellect and converts overhealing into additional shadow damage for allies.
Whether you’re facing down bosses in the Nerub’ar Palace raid or exploring the depths of the Hallowfall zone, these items are your ticket to maximizing your hero’s potential.

WoW War Within | New Tier Sets

World of Warcraft: War Within is rolling out new Tier Sets designed to amplify your power in-game. Whether you’re battling in Nerub’ar Palace or soaring through Khaz Algar, these sets are tailored to each class and spec, ensuring you get the most out of every fight.
  • Paladin:
– Holy: Holy Shock heals more and recharges faster. Boosts following Word of Glory or Light of Dawn.
– Protection: Shield of the Righteous boosts damage and defense. Holy Power abilities increase Avenging Wrath potency.
– Retribution: Blade of Justice and Wake of Ashes deal more damage. Wake of Ashes boosts damage for a short time.
  • Hunter:
– Beast Mastery: Barbed Shot increases pet’s attack speed. Pet attacks may increase all pet damage.
– Marksmanship: Boosts Arcane Shot and Multishot damage. Precise Shots enhance future Aimed Shot.
– Survival: Wildfire Bomb gets a damage boost. Mongoose Bite or Raptor Strike enhanced after Wildfire Bomb.
  • Rogue:
– Assassination: Bleeds enhance poison damage. Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest deal more damage.
– Outlaw: Chance for Ethereal Rampage with main abilities. Ethereal Rampage increases damage of Between the Eyes.
– Subtlety: Symbols of Death boosts next Secret Technique. Secret Technique boosts other finishing moves.
  • Priest:
– Discipline: Atonement heals are stronger. Smite and Penance enhance next Mind Blast or Power Word: Shield.
– Holy: Improves Serendipity effects. Heal, Flash Heal, and Prayer of Healing may trigger additional healing.
– Shadow: Devouring Plague lasts longer. Devouring Plague increases damage output.
  • Shaman:
– Elemental: Elemental Blast and Earth Shock deal more damage. Spending Maelstrom improves key attributes.
– Enhancement: Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, Crash Lightning all stronger. Feral Spirits last longer, double effect.
– Restoration: Tidal Waves boost healing. Tidal Waves reduces mana cost, increases efficacy.
  • Warlock:
– Affliction: Malefic Rapture causes bigger damage and crits more. Improves damage of Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction.
– Demonology: Primary demon and Shadow Bolt boosted. Shadow Bolt boosts primary Felguard’s next attack.
– Destruction: Incinerate and Conflagrate have higher crit chances. Conflagrate increases all Fire damage.
  • Monk:
– Brewmaster: Blackout Kick and Keg Smash deliver higher damage. Blackout Kick may reset and free cast Keg Smash.
– Mistweaver: Healing from main abilities increased. Consumed Soul Fragments enhance next Fel Devastation.
– Windwalker: Tiger Palm boosts next melee hit. Other melee moves boost Tiger Palm, also striking nearby enemies.
  • Death Knight:
– Blood: Damage reduction with Boneshield. Damage increases with active Boneshield charges.
– Frost: Runic Power spenders give higher damage. Boosts Strength significantly for a short period.
– Unholy: Minions deal more damage. Summoning minions boosts Haste.
  • Demon Hunter:
– Havoc: Blade Dance deals more damage. Chaos Strike boosts Blade Dance reset chances.
– Vengeance: Soul Cleave deals more damage and may shatter Soul. Consumed Soul Fragment boosts Fel Devastation.
  • Evoker:
– Augmentation: Upheaval and Eruption deal more damage. Ebon Might increases primary stats periodically.
– Devastation: Disintegrate and Pyre deal more damage. Reduces Eternity Surge cooldown, triggers Essence Burst.
– Preservation: Reversion and Emerald Blossom heal more. Verdant Embrace boosts Reversion’s healing greatly.

WoW War Within | Nerub’ar Palace Raid

Get ready to tackle the Nerub’ar Palace raid in World of Warcraft: War Within! Dive deep into Azj-Kahet and battle through eight epic bosses. With each fight, uncover the secrets of the dark empire and challenge the might of Queen Ansurek and her army.
  • Ulgrax the Devourer: Face this monstrous entity in a battle of endurance.
  • The Bloodbound Horror: Test your limits against this terrifying foe.
  • Sikran, Captain of the Sureki: Tactically challenging fight requiring precise coordination.
  • Rasha’nan: A clash that demands high mobility and awareness.
  • Eggtender Ovi’nax: Protect your team from waves of minions.
  • Nexus-Princess Ky’veza: Battle against arcane powers in a dynamic environment.
  • The Silken Court: Engage with multiple enemies in a complex dance of danger.
  • Queen Ansurek: The final showdown with strategic phases and lethal attacks.
That raid is not just about the fights—it’s about uncovering the lore and triumphing over some of the toughest challenges yet.

WoW War Within | Warbands

The War Within expansion brings a cool fresh setup called Warbands that lets you manage your adventure more easily. This setup helps you share gear and resources across your characters, simplifying the switch, keeping all your heroes in top shape without starting afresh every time.
  • Warband Bank: Store and pass around reagents and items between your characters.
  • Transferrable Gear: Send goods between your characters to optimize gear.
  • Progression Sharing: Transfer reputation, flight paths, and more across your characters.

WoW War Within | Dungeons

World of Warcraft: War Within brings eight fresh dungeons split between leveling and end-game challenges, each packed with unique bosses and loot tailored for the new Khaz Algar zones and the mysterious lands of Azj-Kahet. Whether you’re starting out in The Rookery or facing down the darkness in The Dawnbreaker, there’s plenty to explore and conquer.
  • The Rookery (Isle of Dorn): Battle through avian threats in a high-altitude nest.
  • The Stonevault (Isle of Dorn): Navigate ancient traps and solve puzzles to uncover treasures.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame (Isle of Dorn): Defend against cultists in this fiery monastery.
  • City of Threads (Isle of Dorn): Discover the secrets woven by the Time Weavers.
  • Cinderbrew Meadery (Hallowfall): Fight tipsy trolls and fiery brewmasters.
  • Darkflame Cleft (Hallowfall): Tackle elemental forces and rocky terrains.
  • The Dawnbreaker (Azj-Kahet): Stop a ritual that could doom the world.
  • Old City (Azj-Kahet): Explore ancient ruins filled with undead horrors.

Key Takeaways

The War Within expansion for World of Warcraft drops on August 26, 2024, offering a ton of new content and features. Early access starts on August 22 for those who snagged the max edition. Players can dive into the mysterious Khaz Algar zones, utilize the new Hero Talent trees, and meet the Earthen allied race. With dynamic flying, Warbands progression, and thrilling new dungeons and raids, there’s plenty to chart and seize.
The War Within rolls out a new continent, Khaz Algar, featuring places like the Isle of Dorn and Azj-Kahet. Players will encounter the new Earthen race, face updated final-stage content like Delves, and enjoy account-wide progression with Warbands.
Prepare for the ultimate adventure by gearing up with gold and other services from Whether you need a boost, gear, or gold to get ahead, we got you covered, just check it out. Dive into the new expansion fully equipped and ready to conquer everything The War Within has to offer.