A Shadow Priest with item level 569 soloed Zekvir on "??" difficulty | Onlyfarms
The only opponent in Season 13 of the Khaz Algar expedition, Zekvir, presents quite a challenging battle. The difficulty level of this encounter can vary depending on the class and specialization of the character, even with equal gear and skills from Bran Bronzebeard. Some players even believe that certain specializations cannot defeat him without powerful equipment.
However, player Hurry_Willing proved otherwise: he soloed Zekvir on ?? difficulty with his Shadow Priest. The situation is particularly remarkable considering that he started exploring The War Within only three days ago. At the time of his victory over the boss, he had an item level of 569 and just one enchant (on his staff), and he didn’t even have the airship for expeditions to use the acquired appearance. He showcased his achievement to the skeptical community by posting a video of the encounter.