How to Get the Cloudstrike Exotic Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2

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Сloudstrike Exotic Sniper Rifle Overview

The Beyond Light expansion introduced a powerful new Exotic Sniper RifleCloudstrike. This weapon unleashes lightning storms on precision hits and final blows, making it a devastating choice for both PvE and PvP.

Why is Cloudstrike So Good?

  • Precision Final Blows – Triggers a lightning strike on enemies.
  • 🌩 Rapid Precision Hits – Generates a storm in the target area.
  • 🔥 High Rate of Fire – Competes with top PvE snipers like Izanagi’s Burden and Whisper of the Worm.
  • 🎯 Ideal for PvP & PvE – Wipes groups in Crucible and melts high-priority PvE enemies.

💡 Want to skip the grind? Get a Cloudstrike boost at and unlock this top-tier sniper effortlessly!

How to Get Cloudstrike in Destiny 2

Cloudstrike has a low drop rate from Elective Difficulty Empire Hunts on Europa. To access this activity, you must own the Beyond Light expansion and complete specific Variks’ sabotage quests.

Step 1: Unlock Repeatable Empire Hunts

Empire Hunts become available after completing the Beyond Light campaign and Variks’ post-story missions.

  • Finish the Beyond Light Storyline
  • Complete Variks’ Sabotage Missions
    • “Old Secrets, New Challenges”
    • “A Hard Rain Falls”
  • Unlock Europan Explorer I & II

Step 2: Complete Variks’ Sabotage Missions

After completing the initial requirements, you must finish two key quests to access Elective Empire Hunts.

Old Secrets, New Challenges

  • Visit the Braytech Exoscience Facility
  • Complete a short Exo Challenge mission
  • Unlocks weekly Exo Challenges (reward Powerful Gear)

A Hard Rain Falls

  • Acquire from Exo-Stranger
  • Earn progress by completing activities in Eclipsed Zones
  • Best method: Patrols + Public Events

💡 Tip: The Eclipsed Zone changes weekly. Check the Europa map for updates.

Step 3: Unlock Europan Explorer I & II

Now, return to Variks and begin Europan Explorer I & II.

Quest Requirement
Europan Explorer I Defeat 125 enemies with Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons.
Europan Explorer II Defeat 30 powerful enemies in Empire Hunts.


💡 Fastest Method: Run Dark Priestess Empire Hunt to clear Europan Explorer II in one run.

Step 4: Farm Elective Empire Hunts for Cloudstrike

Once Europan Explorer II is completed, Elective Empire Hunts will be unlocked on Europa’s map.

Difficulty Cloudstrike Drop Rate
Adept (Easy) Low
Hero (Medium) Low
Legend (Hard) Low
Master (Very Hard) Low


⚠️ Difficulty does NOT affect drop rates, so farm the lowest difficulty for the fastest completions.

Best Farming Strategy

  • Team up with two Guardians for speedruns.
  • Focus on Adept difficulty to maximize completion rates.
  • Replay the activity until Cloudstrike drops.

Final Thoughts

Farming Cloudstrike and other top-tier weapons in Destiny 2 takes time, patience, and RNG luck. Whether you’re grinding Elective Empire Hunts, chasing the Adored Sniper, or farming Exotic and Legendary gear, the process can be exhausting.

💡 Why waste hours farming when you can focus on playing?

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