Destiny 2: Best Weapons in The Witch Queen Expansion

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The Witch Queen expansion and Season of the Risen have introduced a variety of powerful new weapons while keeping some old favorites relevant. In this guide, we’ll highlight the best weapons for PvE and PvP, covering new exotics, craftable weapons, and top raid drops that dominate the current meta.

Best New Weapons of The Witch Queen & Season of the Risen

The overhaul of the Void 3.0 subclass has shaken up the meta, and the introduction of weapon crafting has added a new level of customization. Here are the top new weapons worth chasing:

Ogma PR6 (Solar Pulse Rifle)

  • Perks: Heating Up, Dragonfly, Omolon Fluid Dynamics, Turnabout (PvP)
  • Best For: PvE

A solid Solar pulse rifle with high utility in PvE. Dragonfly adds explosive damage, while Turnabout grants an overshield in PvP encounters.

Syncopation-53 (Pulse Rifle)

  • Perks: Outlaw, Rangefinder, Headstone, Headseeker, Moving Target
  • Best For: PvP & PvE

This Kinetic Pulse Rifle synergizes well with Stasis builds and offers high range and accuracy, making it an excellent alternative to The Messenger.

Under Your Skin (Combat Bow)

  • Perks: Archer’s Tempo, Successful Warm-Up, Explosive Head
  • Best For: PvE & PvP

Bows are becoming more viable, and this Void bow offers increased draw speed and explosive damage, making it ideal for endgame PvE activities.

Snorri FR5 (Fusion Rifle)

  • Perks: Heating Up, Reservoir Burst, Successful Warm-Up, High-Impact Reserves
  • Best For: PvE & PvP

A Void fusion rifle that thrives with Reservoir Burst for AoE damage and Successful Warm-Up for fast follow-up shots.

Palmyra-B (Rocket Launcher)

  • Perks: Auto-Loading Holster, Impulse Amplifier, Lasting Impression, Explosive Light
  • Best For: PvE (Boss DPS)

One of the best Stasis Rocket Launchers, Palmyra-B pairs excellently with Gjallarhorn, making it a top pick for boss fights.

Glaives (New Melee/Projectile Weapons)

  • Perks: Psychohack (Innate Perk)
  • Best For: PvE & PvP

The introduction of Glaives brings a hybrid of melee, projectile damage, and shields. Suppressive Glaive mod adds extra utility against enemy abilities.

Collective Obligation (Exotic Pulse Rifle)

  • Perks: Umbral Sustenance, Hand-Laid Stock
  • Best For: Endgame PvE

Obtained from the Vow of the Disciple raid, this Void exotic pulse rifle absorbs Void debuffs and re-applies them for insane synergy with Void 3.0 builds.

Funnelweb (Submachine Gun)

  • Perks: Feeding Frenzy, Frenzy, Adrenaline Junkie
  • Best For: PvE & PvP

A top-tier Void SMG that has become a fan-favorite due to its fast reloads and synergy with Void 3.0 mods.

Parasite (Exotic Grenade Launcher)

  • Perks: Worm Byproduct, High-Explosive Ordinance
  • Best For: PvE (High Burst Damage)

This explosive launcher gains damage based on previous kills, scaling up to insane one-shot damage potential.

Osteo Striga (Exotic Submachine Gun)

  • Perks: Toxic Overload, Hand-Laid Stock
  • Best For: PvE & PvP

A craftable SMG that fires tracking toxic rounds, making it one of the best crowd-control weapons in Destiny 2.

Best Raid Weapons

Raid weapons continue to define high-end PvE and PvP metas. Here are the best ones to farm:

Corrective Measure (Machine Gun)

  • Perks: Subsistence, Demolitionist, Firefly
  • Raid: Vault of Glass

One of the best add-clear weapons with infinite ammo potential thanks to Subsistence.

Insidious (Pulse Rifle)

  • Perks: Dragonfly, Rapid Hit, One for All
  • Raid: Vow of the Disciple

A burst-fire Pulse Rifle that excels in both PvE and PvP with amazing damage perks.

Found Verdict (Shotgun)

  • Perks: Rewind Rounds, Vorpal Weapon, Slideshot
  • Raid: Vault of Glass

A versatile shotgun with PvE & PvP potential, especially in One-Two Punch builds.

Vex Mythoclast (Exotic Fusion Rifle)

  • Perks: Timeless Mythoclast, Volatile Battery
  • Raid: Vault of Glass

A Fusion Rifle/Auto Rifle hybrid, this exotic has strong PvE and PvP utility, making it one of the most sought-after weapons.

Heritage (Shotgun)

  • Perks: Reconstruction, Recombination
  • Raid: Deep Stone Crypt

One of the best PvE shotguns, especially for raid DPS phases.

Divinity (Exotic Trace Rifle)

  • Perks: Judgment, Penance
  • Raid: Garden of Salvation

A must-have weapon for endgame PvE, Divinity provides a debuff zone that boosts all team damage by 30%.

Deliverance (Fusion Rifle)

  • Perks: Demolitionist, Chill Clip
  • Raid: Vow of the Disciple

The first-ever Stasis fusion rifle, making it a top-tier PvE & PvP choice.

Forbearance (Grenade Launcher)

  • Perks: Ambitious Assassin, Chain Reaction
  • Raid: Vow of the Disciple

A Wave Frame Grenade Launcher that dominates in add-clear scenarios with massive explosive potential.

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