EFT Lend Lease Part 1: Full Quest Guide with Onlyfarms.gg Tips

Table of contents


Escape from Tarkov’s “Lend Lease Part 1” quest from Skier can be challenging, with scattered objectives and risky locations. Let’s break it down with expert guidance and time-saving solutions from Onlyfarms.gg

Quest Description and Objectives

Skier assigns you to salvage components from foreign drones and Russian vehicles for a “crispy pile of cash.” The job involves tracking down Motor Controllers and Single-axis Fiber Optic Gyroscopes spread across Woods and Shoreline.


Quest Objectives

Objective Quantity
Find and hand over Motor Controllers 3
Find and hand over Fiber Optic Gyroscopes 2


Quest Rewards

Reward Details
Experience Points (EXP) 20,000
Skier Reputation +0.12
Dollars Base: $3,500
Enhanced Earnings $3,675 (Intelligence Center Level 1)
$4,025 (Intelligence Center Level 2)

Preparation Tips

Keys Required

  • West Wing Room 216 Key
  • East Wing Room 306 Key (or Room 308 Key)

Recommended Strategy

  • Gather items across multiple raids.
  • Deposit items with Skier between runs to minimize losses.
  • Use Onlyfarms.gg to skip the grind and secure quest items without hassle.

Item Locations


Item Location
Motor Controller SUV at checkpoint west of the mill. Inside the front door.
Fiber Optic Gyroscope Black box in the light-blue pickup truck at the mill.


Item Location
Motor Controller Cardboard box on the balcony of West Wing Room 306/308.
Fiber Optic Gyroscope Metal cabinet in East Wing Room 216.
Motor Controller Wooden crate near the crashed drone at the “Road to Customs” extraction point.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Preparation:
    • Obtain the West Wing Room 216 key and East Wing Room 306 key (or East Wing Room 308 key as an alternative).
  • Woods:
    • Head to the checkpoint west of the mill. Locate the SUV and open the front door to find the first motor controller.
    • Go to the mill and find the light-blue pickup truck. Inside a black box, collect the first gyroscope.
  • Hand Over Items:
    • Deliver the collected items to Skier to minimize the risk of losing them during subsequent raids.
  • Shoreline:
    • West Wing:
      • Enter the West Wing and proceed to the top floor. Use the West Wing Room 306 or 308 key to access the balcony. Locate the cardboard box containing the second motor controller.
    • East Wing:
      • Navigate to East Wing Room 216. Inside the metal cabinet, collect the second gyroscope.
  • Crashed Drone:
    • Go to the “Road to Customs” extraction point and find the crashed drone. Near its left wing, turn left to locate a wooden crate containing the final motor controller.
  • Important Tip:
    • Items don’t need to be collected in a single raid. Deliver items to Skier after each raid to reduce the risk of losing them.

Here’s a breakdown of the key item locations to help you navigate:

  • Wooden Crate (Controller): Found near the crashed drone by the “Road to Customs” extraction point. Follow the drone’s left wing and look for the crate nearby.
  • Black Box (Gyroscope): Inside the light-blue pickup truck at the mill on Woods.
  • Metal Cabinet (Gyroscope): Located in East Wing Room 216 at the Shoreline Health Resort. Peek through the door to spot it.
  • Cardboard Box (Controller): On the balcony of West Wing Room 306 or 308 at the Shoreline Health Resort.
  • SUV (Controller): Parked at the checkpoint west of the mill on Woods. The item is inside the front door.

These detailed descriptions should guide you to each item without the need for visuals!

Expert Time-Saving Solutions

Completing “Lend Lease Part 1” can be time-consuming and frustrating due to scattered objectives and potential losses. Save yourself the grind by leveraging Onlyfarms.gg services to secure quest items and complete tasks with ease.

With this guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the Lend Lease Part 1 quest efficiently—or outsource the heavy lifting to the experts at Onlyfarms.gg!