WoW Classic Skinning Guide

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Our WoW Classic Skinning Guide is your ultimate resource for mastering Skinning in WoW Classic Fresh. This guide offers an updated, efficient leveling strategy from 1 to 300, details on Skinning mastery milestones, and a breakdown of all available leather types, hides, and scales. Whether you’re crafting or farming for profit, Skinning is an invaluable profession in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary.

WoW Classic Skinning Fresh Overview

Skinning is a primary gathering profession with a straightforward process: kill beasts, skin them, and collect valuable materials like leather and scales. This profession pairs exceptionally well with Leatherworking, allowing you to craft gear for Rogues, Druids, Shamans, and Hunters. Additionally, leather and hides can be sold at the Auction House, providing a steady income stream while leveling.

Why Skinning Is Profitable:

  • The Auction House reset for WoW Classic Fresh has increased demand for resources.
  • Leather remains a high-demand resource for crafted gear and recipes.
  • Skinnable beasts are abundant across Azeroth, ensuring consistent opportunities for gathering.

Best Professions to Pair with Skinning

  • Leatherworking: This is the best pairing for Skinning, as it allows you to craft high-quality gear and sell surplus items for profit.
  • Alchemy: While not directly related, Alchemy benefits from certain crafted items that use materials from Skinning, such as dragonscales.

If you want to level both professions efficiently, consider Profession Kits from our professional services.

Best Class for Skinning in WoW Classic

While any class can take up Skinning, Mages are particularly effective due to their AoE damage and crowd control, allowing them to farm beasts quickly. That said, your choice of class won’t significantly impact your Skinning journey.

How to Start Skinning in WoW Classic

To begin Skinning, follow these steps:

  • Purchase a Skinning Knife: Available from any Trade Goods vendor for a few silver.
  • Learn Skinning: Visit a Skinning trainer, available in major cities like Orgrimmar or Stormwind City.
  • Find Beasts to Skin: Start with low-level beasts in your starting zones.
  • Keep Skinning as You Level: Always skin beasts after killing them to keep your skill level aligned with your character level.

WoW Classic Skinning Trainer Locations

There are four levels of Skinning mastery, each requiring a trainer to progress:

Alliance Trainers

  • Balthus Stoneflayer: Ironforge, /way 39.8, 33.
  • Eladriel: Darnassus, /way 64.2, 21.8.
  • Helene Peltskinner: Elwynn Forest, /way 46.2, 62.2.
  • Maris Granger: Stormwind City, /way 67.8, 49.
  • Wilma Ranthal: Redridge Mountains, /way 88.8, 71.

Horde Trainers

  • Thuwd: Orgrimmar, /way 63.2, 45.2.
  • Mooranta: Thunder Bluff, /way 45.2, 43.6.
  • Kulleg Stonehorn: Feralas, /way 74.4, 43.0.
  • Dranh: The Barrens, /way 45.0, 59.0.Map Ogrimar

WoW Classic Skinning Leveling Routes

Leveling Skinning is simple but requires time and planning. Below are optimized routes for each stage:

Levels 1–75

  • Alliance: Elwynn Forest or Dun Morogh.
  • Horde: Durotar or Mulgore.
  • Target low-level beasts like wolves and boars.

Levels 75–150

  • Alliance: Loch Modan or Westfall.
  • Horde: The Barrens.
  • Skin beasts like crocolisks, prowlers, and raptors.

Levels 150–225

  • Zones: Hillsbrad Foothills, Stranglethorn Vale, or Arathi Highlands.
  • Focus on medium and heavy leather from panthers, tigers, and raptors.

Levels 225–300

  • Zones: The Hinterlands, Tanaris, Feralas, and Un’Goro Crater.
  • Skin tougher beasts like yetis and dinosaurs for Rugged Leather and Rugged Hide.

Increasing Skinning Skill Beyond 300

Some high-level mobs and raid bosses require Skinning levels above 300. Here’s how to boost your skill:

Mobs That Require Over 300 Skinning

Beast Skill Required Notable Item
The Beast 310 Pristine Hide of the Beast
Core Hound 310 Core Leather
Onyxia 315 Scale of Onyxia
Magmadar 315 Core Leather

What to Farm with Skinning

Leather and Hides

Type Mob Level
Light Leather 6–17
Medium Leather 16–35
Heavy Leather 25–45
Rugged Leather 46–63



Type Source Use
Green Dragonscale Swamp of Sorrows Green Dragonscale Set
Blue Dragonscale Azshara and Winterspring Blue Dragonscale Set
Black Dragonscale Burning Steppes, Blackwing Lair Black Dragonscale Set


Skinning is a highly versatile and profitable profession in WoW Classic Fresh. With proper planning, you can efficiently level Skinning to 300, earn steady gold, and supply essential materials for crafting and raiding. By following this guide and leveraging optimal routes, trainers, and mobs, you’ll master Skinning in no time while contributing to Azeroth’s bustling economy.