Holy Paladin TWW Guide

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Holy Paladin Overview

Meet the formidable champion of justice and protection — the Holy Paladin in World of Warcraft. This healing class ranks among the top support options in the game, frequently appearing at the summit of tier lists. Once you experience the prowess of the Holy Paladin, you’ll find it hard to discover a better option for spot healing.

In The War Within, the Holy Paladin wields a one-handed weapon alongside a shield, donning Plate armor, with Intellect as its primary stat. Don’t be misled; the Holy Paladin operates as a caster, channeling the power of light to restore the health of allies. The core resource for this class is Holy Power, which can be generated through builder abilities (spells that enhance resource accumulation) and spent on powerful spender abilities (spells that consume Holy Power instead of mana).

Holy Palla WoW: The War Within

Holy Paladin Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✅ Awesome single-target healing. ⛔️ Requires careful resource management.
✅ High survivability thanks to defensives. ⛔️ Lack of mobility.
Devotion Aura for the whole party or raid. ⛔️ Too many buttons to press in combat.

Holy Paladin Changes In The War Within

The War Within introduced a variety of changes to the game, impacting the abilities available to the Holy Paladin. Notably, Glimmer of Light and Daybreak have been removed, while the Light of the Martyr ability has undergone a redesign, transforming into a passive buff for Holy Shock, among other modifications.

Holy Paladin Hero Talents

  • Herald of the Sun: The pinnacle of this talent tree is the Dawnlight talent, which provides Damage over Time or Healing over Time effects through your Holy Power spenders. Most Hero talents in this tree focus on enhancing the effectiveness of Dawnlight;
  • Lightsmith: The second talent tree introduces the Sacred Weapon ability, which transforms into Holy Bulwark upon activation.
Herald of the Sun Lightsmith
Dawnlight Holy Bulwark
Morning Star Rite of Sanctification
Gleaming Rays Rite of Adjuration
Eternal Flame Solidarity
Luminosity Divine Guidance
Illumine Blessed Assurance
Will of the Dawn Laying Down Arms
Blessing of An’she Divine Inspiration
Lingering Radiance Forewarning
Sun Sear Fear No Evil
Aurora Excoriation
Solar Grace Shared Resolve
Second Sunrise Valiance
Sun’s Avatar Hammer and Anvil
Blessing of the Forge

Changes to The Existing Abilities And Talents

Once again, Glimmer of Light and Daybreak have been completely removed from the game. Additionally, Rising Sunlight has been reworked, now allowing for two extra casts of Holy Shock after using Avenging Wrath or Divine Toll. Moreover, Blessing of Summer has received an update, now converting healing into damage or damage into healing as a buff.Overall, the Holy Paladin class hasn’t undergone a complete overhaul with core changes. Instead, several adjustments and updates have been made to refresh the mechanics and gameplay of the Holy Paladin.

Basics of Holy Paladin Gameplay

Playing as a Holy Paladin demands focus, quick reactions, and adept resource management skills. These abilities are essential because Holy is a melee specialization that generates Holy Power while simultaneously supporting allies in close range and monitoring their health bars, all while avoiding boss attacks.Healing is achieved through several core abilities: Holy Shock, which also serves as a filler to maintain Holy Power; Word of Glory; and Holy Light alongside Divine Favor. Keep these abilities in mind, as you’ll be using them frequently in combat.

Holy Paladin Rotation

In *The War Within*, the rotation for a WoW Holy Paladin is straightforward, resembling more of a priority list for key abilities rather than a strict sequence of spells. Your choices in the Holy Paladin talent tree significantly influence this rotation priority.

To optimize your healing output, it’s crucial to use your spells on cooldown (CD). This approach minimizes downtime and maximizes Holy Power generation. When your Holy Power is running low, your ability to deliver effective healing and utilize your core spells is severely hindered.

Raid Healing Mythic+ Healing
1 Spend Holy Power if on 5 Holy Power Beacon of Virtue for AoE healing
2 Divine Favor on Holy Light with Infusion of Light Consecration
3 Holy Prism on an enemy target Divine Favor on Holy Light with Infusion of Light
4 Holy Shock Holy Prism on an enemy for AoE healing, or Ally for ST healing
5 Infusion of Light on Judgment Holy Shock
6 Crusader Strike without overcapping Holy Power Infusion of Light on Judgment
7 Infusion of Light on Flash of Light, or Holy Light Crusader Strike
8 Hammer of Wrath Infusion of Light on Flash of Light, or Holy Light
9 Hammer of Wrath

Offensive Cooldowns

Spell Cooldown Description
Avenging Wrath 2 min Increases healing, damage, and critical strike chance by 20% for 20 seconds.
Execution Sentence 45 sec Deals massive Holy damage after a 10-second delay.
Holy Avenger 3 min Supercharges your Holy Power generation for 20 seconds, letting you spam big heals or damage abilities.

Defensive Cooldowns

Spell Cooldown Description
Divine Shield 5 min Surrounds you with a shield, making you immune to all damage and harmful effects for 8 seconds.
Ardent Defender 2 min Reduces all damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds and will save you from death by healing you to 20% of your max health.
Guardian of Ancient Kings 5 min Summons an ancient guardian to reduce all damage taken by 50% for 8 seconds.

Holy Paladin Build

Raid MeleeRaid

Holy Paladin Stats

Your primary stat for TWW Holy Paladin is Intellect, followed closely by several secondary stats. Therefore, the WoW Holy Paladin stat priority is as follows:

  • Intellect;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery;
  • Versatility. 

When gearing up, always prioritize items with higher Intellect, but don’t overlook the importance of your secondary stats. Critical Strike increases your chance to double your damage output. Haste is beneficial for enhancing spell casting speed. Mastery boosts your Mastery: Lightbringer, while Versatility provides a modest increase to both damage and healing.

Holy Paladin Leveling

Leveling marks the start of your journey as a Holy Paladin, setting the stage for your adventures. For those new to the class, reaching level 70 can be quite the undertaking.If you’re just beginning as a Holy Paladin, the most effective method is to quest in high-density areas such as Draenor or Legion. While this approach is straightforward, it can be time-consuming. Alternatively, you can opt for dungeon runs. By queuing for random or timewalking dungeons, you can gain experience quickly. Having a high-level friend to assist you through these dungeons can make this process even smoother.

Once you hit level 70, leveling to 80 should feel seamless as you engage in campaign quests and explore new areas and dungeons. However, there are always shortcuts and tips to consider. For example, in Dragonflight, players could rapidly level up by utilizing specific Farming Spots. Simply position your character in a safe area and enlist a high-level player to farm the spot for experience.

Regardless of the method, leveling can feel tedious, especially if you’ve done it numerous times before or if you’re unfamiliar with effective strategies. Our expert team has successfully leveled thousands of characters, and your character could be next with our Power Leveling service.

Best Gear for Holy Paladin

Slot Item Source
Head Entombed Seraph’s Casque Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Neck Sureki Zealot’s Insignia Sikran
Shoulders Flesh Connector’s Epaulets City of Threads
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Rasha’nan
Chest Entombed Seraph’s Breastplate Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Ravaged Lamplighter’s Manacles Rasha’nan
Gloves Entombed Seraph’s Castigation Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Belt Nether Bounty’s Greatbelt Nexus-Princess Ky’veza
Legs Entombed Seraph’s Greaves Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Ballast Sinkers Siege of Boralus
Ring Seal of the Poisoned Pact undefined
Ring Band of the Ancient Dredger Siege of Boralus
Trinket Unbound Changeling Mists of Tirna Scithe
Trinket Gale of Shadows as Herald Grim Batol
Main Hand Amarth’s Spellblade The Necrotic Wake
Shield Crest of the Caustic Despot undefined

For many players, acquiring Best-in-Slot (BiS) items can take an entire season, leaving them frustrated when a new season begins and they feel they haven’t had their moment to shine. To alleviate this, our team can secure all the necessary BiS Gear for you, allowing you to enjoy other aspects of the game without the grind.

Best Holy Paladin Trinkets

S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier

Tier Set Bonuses for Holy Paladin

Entombed Seraph’s Radiance is the Holy Paladin Tier Set for Season 1 in the War Within.

2-set Holy Shock‘s healing is increased by 10% and its cooldown is reduced by 10%.
4-set Holy Shock increases the initial healing of your next Word of Glory or Light of Dawn by 8%, stacking up to 4 times.

Best Crafted Gear for Holy Paladin

Best Consumables for Holy Paladin

Type Best Options
Flask Flask of Tempered Swiftness Flask of Tempered Aggression
Mana Potion Algari Mana Potion Slumbering Soul Serum
Health Potion Algari Healing Potion
Weapon Buff Algari Mana Oil
Augment Rune Crystallized Augment Rune
Food Feast of the Divine Day Everything Stew
Diamond Elusive Blasphemite
Other Gems Deadly Emerald Quick Ruby

Best Holy Paladin Enchants

Slot Best Enchant Cheaper Version
Weapon Enchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve Enchant Weapon – Council’s Guile
Cloak Enchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs Enchant Cloak – Whisper of Silken Leech
Chest Enchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
Bracers Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech Enchant Bracer – Whisper of Armored Leech
Legs Sunset Spellthread Weavercloth Spellthread
Boots Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
Ring Enchant Ring – Radiant Haste Enchant Ring – Glimmering Haste
Boots Enchant Boots – Watcher’s Loam
Ring Enchant Ring – Devotion of Critical Strike Enchant Ring – Writ of Critical Strike

Holy Paladin End-Game

The endgame experience for WoW *The War Within* Holy Paladin offers a wealth of exciting possibilities. You can choose to engage in raiding with a guild or tackle challenges solo. Additionally, completing timed Mythic+ dungeons allows you to earn rating points and work towards unlocking the coveted Diamond Mechsuit mount. If you’d rather skip the grind, our team can help you reach the necessary rating quickly and effortlessly.

PvP has also seen a resurgence thanks to updates to the Great Vault rewards system and an increased focus on crafted gear. Moreover, collecting transmog sets as a WoW Holy Paladin is an engaging activity that many players find rewarding. Whether you’re focused on raiding, Mythic+, or PvP, the options are plentiful, and there’s something for everyone in the endgame.