Battle Gargon Silessa Mount
Looking to add Silessa's Battle Harness to your mount collection in World of Warcraft? With our exclusive mount boost service at Onlyfarms, we'll ensure you obtain this mount swiftly.
The Battle Gargon Silessa mount can be acquired from the Forgotten Chest located in the Revendreth zone. This mount is exclusively available to members of the Venthyr Covenant. Purchasing our service means you can save countless hours and effortlessly make Silessa's Battle Harness yours!
How does the Silessa's Battle Harness boost work?
- We will farm the Forgotten Chest in Revendreth until the Silessa's Battle Harness mount drops for you;
- Max level character. In case you don't have one, you can use our Powerleveling Service.
Looking to add Silessa's Battle Harness to your mount collection in World of Warcraft? With our exclusive mount boost service at Onlyfarms, we'll ensure you obtain this mount swiftly.
The Battle Gargon Silessa mount can be acquired from the Forgotten Chest located in the Revendreth zone. This mount is exclusively available to members of the Venthyr Covenant. Purchasing our service means you can save countless hours and effortlessly make Silessa's Battle Harness yours!
How does the Silessa's Battle Harness boost work?
- We will farm the Forgotten Chest in Revendreth until the Silessa's Battle Harness mount drops for you;
- Max level character. In case you don't have one, you can use our Powerleveling Service.