Black Ice
Purchase the Black Ice transmog boost to elevate your Weapon collection with this distinctive epic Polearm appearance!
The Black Ice Polearm was introduced in the WotLK expansion and has a low drop rate from Malygos in the The Eye of Eternity raid. Use our Black Ice farm service to easily obtain this sought-after Weapon transmog without needing to repeatedly complete the The Eye of Eternity raid weekly. With an approximate 16% drop rate, farming for this Polearm can be quite time-consuming.
Our Black Ice farm service allows you to save precious time and energy, as our professional team will handle the grind to acquire the item for you.
Order your Black Ice transmog carry now, and we will continuously run the Malygos raid on your behalf until we secure this impressive epic Weapon appearance for your collection.
WoW Black Ice transmog carry rewards
- Black Ice transmogrification;
Delivery time
In our experience, the Black Ice transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.
- Max level character that can equip a Polearm.
- If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Purchase the Black Ice transmog boost to elevate your Weapon collection with this distinctive epic Polearm appearance!
The Black Ice Polearm was introduced in the WotLK expansion and has a low drop rate from Malygos in the The Eye of Eternity raid. Use our Black Ice farm service to easily obtain this sought-after Weapon transmog without needing to repeatedly complete the The Eye of Eternity raid weekly. With an approximate 16% drop rate, farming for this Polearm can be quite time-consuming.
Our Black Ice farm service allows you to save precious time and energy, as our professional team will handle the grind to acquire the item for you.
Order your Black Ice transmog carry now, and we will continuously run the Malygos raid on your behalf until we secure this impressive epic Weapon appearance for your collection.
WoW Black Ice transmog carry rewards
- Black Ice transmogrification;
Delivery time
In our experience, the Black Ice transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.
- Max level character that can equip a Polearm.
- If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.