Blade of Eternal Darkness

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Purchase the Blade of Eternal Darkness transmog boost and enhance your collection with this exquisite epic Dagger appearance!

The Blade of Eternal Darkness is a sought-after Dagger introduced in the WoW Classic expansion. This breathtaking epic Weapon appearance can be obtained from Princess Theradras within the Maraudon dungeon, featuring a 6.66% drop chance. As with any non-guaranteed drop item, acquiring this glamorous epic Weapon tmog requires dedicated effort and numerous dungeon runs.

Our dungeon Weapon transmog boost service offers a hassle-free and efficient solution for players eager to secure the Blade of Eternal Darkness tmog skin without the grind. By choosing our tmog Weapon boost service, you save yourself from spending countless hours, leaving the task to our expert team.

Order the Blade of Eternal Darkness tmog carry service, and our professional team will tirelessly run the dungeon as many times as necessary, ensuring a swift and efficient acquisition of this distinguished Dagger transmog skin from the Maraudon dungeon.

WoW Blade of Eternal Darkness Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Blade of Eternal Darkness transmog boost takes 1-3 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Dagger.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Blade of Eternal Darkness
Blade of Eternal Darkness
Add to cart $87.00

Purchase the Blade of Eternal Darkness transmog boost and enhance your collection with this exquisite epic Dagger appearance!

The Blade of Eternal Darkness is a sought-after Dagger introduced in the WoW Classic expansion. This breathtaking epic Weapon appearance can be obtained from Princess Theradras within the Maraudon dungeon, featuring a 6.66% drop chance. As with any non-guaranteed drop item, acquiring this glamorous epic Weapon tmog requires dedicated effort and numerous dungeon runs.

Our dungeon Weapon transmog boost service offers a hassle-free and efficient solution for players eager to secure the Blade of Eternal Darkness tmog skin without the grind. By choosing our tmog Weapon boost service, you save yourself from spending countless hours, leaving the task to our expert team.

Order the Blade of Eternal Darkness tmog carry service, and our professional team will tirelessly run the dungeon as many times as necessary, ensuring a swift and efficient acquisition of this distinguished Dagger transmog skin from the Maraudon dungeon.

WoW Blade of Eternal Darkness Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Blade of Eternal Darkness transmog boost takes 1-3 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Dagger.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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