Chains of Infectious Serrations

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Purchase the Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boost to ensure the remarkable epic One-Handed Mace ensemble for your Weapon collection!

The Chains of Infectious Serrations weapon is an outstanding epic One-Handed Mace, introduced as part of a limited Mawsworn-themed weapons in the Shadowlands expansion. Obtaining this highly coveted Shadowlands world drop Weapon from formidable enemies, such as Iska, Outrider of Ruin in the Zereth Mortis zone, exhibits a drop rate of roughly 1.14%. Given the nature of non-guaranteed drops, luck plays a pivotal role, often transforming this into a laborious task.

Thankfully, with our Chains of Infectious Serrations farming service, players can bypass the grind and efficiently obtain this epic Weapon tmog without spending countless hours farming in Shadowlands territories.

Enhance your gaming experience by utilizing our Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boosting service. This allows you to increase your chances of securing this epic and highly sought-after Weapon look, all while conserving valuable time and reducing the effort.

WoW Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Mace.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Chains of Infectious Serrations
Chains of Infectious Serrations
Add to cart $169.00

Purchase the Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boost to ensure the remarkable epic One-Handed Mace ensemble for your Weapon collection!

The Chains of Infectious Serrations weapon is an outstanding epic One-Handed Mace, introduced as part of a limited Mawsworn-themed weapons in the Shadowlands expansion. Obtaining this highly coveted Shadowlands world drop Weapon from formidable enemies, such as Iska, Outrider of Ruin in the Zereth Mortis zone, exhibits a drop rate of roughly 1.14%. Given the nature of non-guaranteed drops, luck plays a pivotal role, often transforming this into a laborious task.

Thankfully, with our Chains of Infectious Serrations farming service, players can bypass the grind and efficiently obtain this epic Weapon tmog without spending countless hours farming in Shadowlands territories.

Enhance your gaming experience by utilizing our Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boosting service. This allows you to increase your chances of securing this epic and highly sought-after Weapon look, all while conserving valuable time and reducing the effort.

WoW Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Chains of Infectious Serrations transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Mace.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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