Cobalt Shalewing Mount
Here you can buy Cobalt Shalewing mount boost and we will farm this mount for your collection in the shortest possible time.
Cobalt Shalewing is a new unique sporebat mount from Dragonflight Patch 10.1. It drops from the Kairoktra rare mob in the Zaralek Cavern zone. You will need to find, camp, and finally kill Kairoktra, which darts across the ceiling of Zaralek Cavern. Due to the rare drop chance and other players killing Kairoktra, you will spend a lot of time finding and camping this rare.
Forget about tedious camping and grinding, buy Cobalt Shalewing Carry, and our PRO player will get the Cobalt Shalewing mount for you fast and easy!
WoW Cobalt Shalewing Boost Includes
- Cobalt Shalewing mount obtained;
- You will get all the loot and gold dropped during the boost.
- Max level character. If you don't have one, consider using our Powerleveling Boost.
- This is a piloted service.
Here you can buy Cobalt Shalewing mount boost and we will farm this mount for your collection in the shortest possible time.
Cobalt Shalewing is a new unique sporebat mount from Dragonflight Patch 10.1. It drops from the Kairoktra rare mob in the Zaralek Cavern zone. You will need to find, camp, and finally kill Kairoktra, which darts across the ceiling of Zaralek Cavern. Due to the rare drop chance and other players killing Kairoktra, you will spend a lot of time finding and camping this rare.
Forget about tedious camping and grinding, buy Cobalt Shalewing Carry, and our PRO player will get the Cobalt Shalewing mount for you fast and easy!
WoW Cobalt Shalewing Boost Includes
- Cobalt Shalewing mount obtained;
- You will get all the loot and gold dropped during the boost.
- Max level character. If you don't have one, consider using our Powerleveling Boost.
- This is a piloted service.