Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade

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Purchase the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog boost to add this epic One-Handed Sword look to your Weapon collection!

The Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade is a One-Handed Sword introduced in the TBC expansion, known for its rare drop rate from Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor in the Sunwell Plateau raid. With our Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade farming service, players can effortlessly acquire this Weapon transmog without the need to participate in the Sunwell Plateau raid weekly. Considering its approximate 13% drop chance, farming for this One-Handed Sword can be time-consuming.

Choosing our Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade farm service enables players to save both time and effort as our expert team will handle the grinding process for you.

Secure the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog carry as we diligently run the Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor raid each week to obtain this epic Weapon appearance for your collection.

WoW Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Sword.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade
Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade
Add to cart $35.00

Purchase the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog boost to add this epic One-Handed Sword look to your Weapon collection!

The Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade is a One-Handed Sword introduced in the TBC expansion, known for its rare drop rate from Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor in the Sunwell Plateau raid. With our Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade farming service, players can effortlessly acquire this Weapon transmog without the need to participate in the Sunwell Plateau raid weekly. Considering its approximate 13% drop chance, farming for this One-Handed Sword can be time-consuming.

Choosing our Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade farm service enables players to save both time and effort as our expert team will handle the grinding process for you.

Secure the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog carry as we diligently run the Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor raid each week to obtain this epic Weapon appearance for your collection.

WoW Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Sword.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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