Gnoll Fiend Flail

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Purchase a Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog boost to enhance your Weapon collection with this stunning blue One-Handed Mace appearance!

The Gnoll Fiend Flail is an extraordinary blue One-Handed Mace introduced in the Dragonflight expansion. This sought-after Weapon can be obtained from the Gnoll Fiend Flail in the The Azure Span, albeit with a guaranteed drop rate. Farming this blue Weapon can be quite a demanding task, taking up significant amounts of time. With our Gnoll Fiend Flail farm service, players can achieve this Weapon appearance efficiently, skipping the lengthy personal farming process in The Azure Span location.

Opt for our Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog carry service and save your effort by relying on our specialized team to hunt treasures in Dragonflight zones until we attain this exquisite blue One-Handed Mace tmog for you.

WoW Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog boost takes approximately 2-6 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Mace.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Gnoll Fiend Flail
Gnoll Fiend Flail
Add to cart $18.59

Purchase a Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog boost to enhance your Weapon collection with this stunning blue One-Handed Mace appearance!

The Gnoll Fiend Flail is an extraordinary blue One-Handed Mace introduced in the Dragonflight expansion. This sought-after Weapon can be obtained from the Gnoll Fiend Flail in the The Azure Span, albeit with a guaranteed drop rate. Farming this blue Weapon can be quite a demanding task, taking up significant amounts of time. With our Gnoll Fiend Flail farm service, players can achieve this Weapon appearance efficiently, skipping the lengthy personal farming process in The Azure Span location.

Opt for our Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog carry service and save your effort by relying on our specialized team to hunt treasures in Dragonflight zones until we attain this exquisite blue One-Handed Mace tmog for you.

WoW Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Gnoll Fiend Flail transmog boost takes approximately 2-6 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip One-Handed Mace.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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