Outlaw Rogue Artifact Weapon Appearances

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The Dreadblades represents Outlaw Rogue Legion Artifact Weapon and would be a prestigious addition to your transmog weapon collection. Unlocking the basic The Dreadblades appearance is straightforward; you only need to complete the Legion quests. However, adorning your Outlaw Rogue Artifact with various skins and colors requires significant effort. Naturally, the most exquisite skins of Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon are not the default appearance, meaning considerable work is necessary to unlock every Outlaw Rogue Artifact skin!

To unlock all the Artifact styles and tints for The Dreadblades, you'll need to tackle numerous content types: extensive quest chains, demanding and grind-heavy PvE activities, accumulating PvP kills, and staking out world bosses. Want to save your valuable time and skip the tedious grind of obtaining Outlaw Rogue Artifact skins? This service is precisely what you need!

Buy Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon transmog from our expert players to effortlessly bypass mundane routines and savor the more enjoyable aspects of the game. Simply place an order, provide your preferred gaming schedule, and our pro players will begin farming any of the Outlaw Rogue Artifact appearances you'd like to add to your collection.

Note: To unlock additional colors of any artifact skins (color 2, 3 and 4), you must have Basic Outlaw Rogue Artifact Weapon - The Dreadblades (color 1) and unlocked color 1 of chosen artifact skin.

WoW Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skins Boost Includes

  • Unlock the desired appearances and colors of Outlaw Rogue Legion artifacts.


  • Classic Skin Colors - With these options you will get tints of Basic Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon The Dreadblades.
  • Upgraded Skin Colors - Using these options you will get Outlaw Rogue Class Hall Artifact weapon Promise of the Seascourge and it's tints.
  • Valorous Skin Colors - Choosing these options you will get certain colors of Balance of Power Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon Flame's Kiss.
  • War-Torn Skin Colors - By selecting these options you will get desired colors of Outlaw Rogue PvP Artifact weapon Scoundrel's Last Word.
  • Hidden Skin Colors - Use these options to get Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact appearance Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord and it's tints.
  • Unlock All Colors (15% OFF) - Thanks to these options, you can save money and get all four colorways of chosen Outlaw Rogue artifact at a discount;
  • Mage Tower Set - We will complete MT challenge to obtain Fanged Slayer's Armor (Rogue T20 Recolor Set).

Delivery time

  • We can start unlocking Outlaw Rogue Legion Artifact weapon skins the same day you've placed the order.
  • Completion time depends on which Outlaw Rogue artifact skins and colors you want to unlock, some of them require completing certain lengthy activities.
  • You can check the estimated ETA for unlocking Outlaw Rogue artifacts in the table below:
Artifact Name Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4
The Dreadblades 1-2 hours 1 day 1 day 1-3 days
Promise of the Seascourge 1-2 days 1-2 days 1 day 16-18 weeks
Flame's Kiss 2-3 weeks 4-6 weeks 30 minutes 1-3 weeks
Scoundrel's Last Word 1 week 3 weeks 5 weeks 8 weeks
Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord Varies 1-2 days 2-3 days 2 days


  • Max level Rogue character. If you don't have one, consider using our powerleveling service.
  • If you want to unlock additional skins such as Upgraded of Valorous, you must have the basic Classic appearance unlocked. If you don't have it, please add the option and we'll unlock it for you.
  • Classic Artifact Weapon The Dreadblades (Color 1) unlocked for any additional weapon skins or colors.
  • Color 1 of chosen Artifact skin unlocked for any additional colors of this skin.

Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skins Table

Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skin Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4
The Dreadblades Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 4
Promise of the Seascourge Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 4
Flame's Kiss Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 4
Scoundrel's Last Word Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 4
Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 4

Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Set

The Mage Tower and its rewards have undergone a revamp. Now, instead of unlocking the first tint of the Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon, you can obtain the Fanged Slayer's Armor - Rogue Tier 20 Recolor Set. However, the challenges remain just as formidable as they used to be. That's why buying Legion MT carry is the most straightforward method to acquire the Tomb of Sargeras transmog set tailored to your class.

Fanged Slayer's Armor - Rogue Tier 20 Set Recolor
Outlaw Rogue Artifact Weapon Appearances
Outlaw Rogue Artifact Weapon Appearances
Add to cart $83.25

The Dreadblades represents Outlaw Rogue Legion Artifact Weapon and would be a prestigious addition to your transmog weapon collection. Unlocking the basic The Dreadblades appearance is straightforward; you only need to complete the Legion quests. However, adorning your Outlaw Rogue Artifact with various skins and colors requires significant effort. Naturally, the most exquisite skins of Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon are not the default appearance, meaning considerable work is necessary to unlock every Outlaw Rogue Artifact skin!

To unlock all the Artifact styles and tints for The Dreadblades, you'll need to tackle numerous content types: extensive quest chains, demanding and grind-heavy PvE activities, accumulating PvP kills, and staking out world bosses. Want to save your valuable time and skip the tedious grind of obtaining Outlaw Rogue Artifact skins? This service is precisely what you need!

Buy Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon transmog from our expert players to effortlessly bypass mundane routines and savor the more enjoyable aspects of the game. Simply place an order, provide your preferred gaming schedule, and our pro players will begin farming any of the Outlaw Rogue Artifact appearances you'd like to add to your collection.

Note: To unlock additional colors of any artifact skins (color 2, 3 and 4), you must have Basic Outlaw Rogue Artifact Weapon - The Dreadblades (color 1) and unlocked color 1 of chosen artifact skin.

WoW Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skins Boost Includes

  • Unlock the desired appearances and colors of Outlaw Rogue Legion artifacts.


  • Classic Skin Colors - With these options you will get tints of Basic Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon The Dreadblades.
  • Upgraded Skin Colors - Using these options you will get Outlaw Rogue Class Hall Artifact weapon Promise of the Seascourge and it's tints.
  • Valorous Skin Colors - Choosing these options you will get certain colors of Balance of Power Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon Flame's Kiss.
  • War-Torn Skin Colors - By selecting these options you will get desired colors of Outlaw Rogue PvP Artifact weapon Scoundrel's Last Word.
  • Hidden Skin Colors - Use these options to get Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact appearance Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord and it's tints.
  • Unlock All Colors (15% OFF) - Thanks to these options, you can save money and get all four colorways of chosen Outlaw Rogue artifact at a discount;
  • Mage Tower Set - We will complete MT challenge to obtain Fanged Slayer's Armor (Rogue T20 Recolor Set).

Delivery time

  • We can start unlocking Outlaw Rogue Legion Artifact weapon skins the same day you've placed the order.
  • Completion time depends on which Outlaw Rogue artifact skins and colors you want to unlock, some of them require completing certain lengthy activities.
  • You can check the estimated ETA for unlocking Outlaw Rogue artifacts in the table below:
Artifact Name Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4
The Dreadblades 1-2 hours 1 day 1 day 1-3 days
Promise of the Seascourge 1-2 days 1-2 days 1 day 16-18 weeks
Flame's Kiss 2-3 weeks 4-6 weeks 30 minutes 1-3 weeks
Scoundrel's Last Word 1 week 3 weeks 5 weeks 8 weeks
Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord Varies 1-2 days 2-3 days 2 days


  • Max level Rogue character. If you don't have one, consider using our powerleveling service.
  • If you want to unlock additional skins such as Upgraded of Valorous, you must have the basic Classic appearance unlocked. If you don't have it, please add the option and we'll unlock it for you.
  • Classic Artifact Weapon The Dreadblades (Color 1) unlocked for any additional weapon skins or colors.
  • Color 1 of chosen Artifact skin unlocked for any additional colors of this skin.

Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skins Table

Outlaw Rogue Artifact Skin Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4
The Dreadblades Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Classic Artifact Appearance Color 4
Promise of the Seascourge Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Upgraded Artifact Appearance Color 4
Flame's Kiss Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Valorous (Balance of Power) Artifact Appearance Color 4
Scoundrel's Last Word Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue War-Torn (PvP) Artifact Appearance Color 4
Thunderfury, Hallowed Blade of the Windlord Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 2 Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 3 Outlaw Rogue Hidden Artifact Appearance Color 4

Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Set

The Mage Tower and its rewards have undergone a revamp. Now, instead of unlocking the first tint of the Outlaw Rogue Artifact weapon, you can obtain the Fanged Slayer's Armor - Rogue Tier 20 Recolor Set. However, the challenges remain just as formidable as they used to be. That's why buying Legion MT carry is the most straightforward method to acquire the Tomb of Sargeras transmog set tailored to your class.

Fanged Slayer's Armor - Rogue Tier 20 Set Recolor
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