Picnic Basket
Looking to buy Picnic Basket? You've come to the right place. We'll assist you in adding this rare TCG toy to your collection. Originally, Picnic Basket was a reward from the now-discontinued WoW Trading Card Game (TCG). Today, obtaining Picnic Basket typically requires navigating the Black Market Auction House (BMAH), which can demand millions of gold and several months of persistence. Short on time or gold? Let us handle it for you and acquire Picnic Basket swiftly!
Even though the original TCG loot codes, including Picnic Basket, can still be redeemed with Landro Longshot in Booty Bay, no new codes have been issued since the TCG was discontinued in 2013. As a result, the rarity of Picnic Basket has skyrocketed, driving up its price. Moreover, many eBay sellers only offer physical scratch cards instead of digital codes, meaning there could be a lengthy waiting period for your purchase.
Another method to obtain Picnic Basket is through the Black Market, where TCG items frequently appear. Yet, obtaining these toys has become considerably more challenging during the Shadowlands expansion, as Blizzard has prohibited non-max level characters from using the BMAH. Previously, you could simply create a level 1 character on the required realm, gather sufficient gold, place your bid, and win the auction, making Picnic Basket yours instantly. Now, a max level character is a necessity, which is unfeasible to level from scratch in the brief time between spotting the item and the auction's conclusion. The realistic approach is to transfer your high-level character and hope for good fortune.
Character transfers come at a cost, making successful acquisition highly reliant on knowledge of historical BMAH prices and the level of competition on each realm. Hence, buying Picnic Basket from professional players who have extensive experience and a substantial gold reserve across multiple realms is your best option to secure these legacy items for your collection!
WoW Picnic Basket Boost Includes
How buying Picnic Basket from BMAH works?
Our process for obtaining Picnic Basket from Black Market is very simple and straightforward:
As you can see our method of getting Picnic Basket is very simple. Our vast experience in providing BMAH services allows us to rapidly detect any items as they spawn and do the bidding with 95% chance of success. The whole process is designed to be as safe as possible without ever touching your main account. Got any more questions? Contact us in web chat or on Discord and we will answer.
Looking to buy Picnic Basket? You've come to the right place. We'll assist you in adding this rare TCG toy to your collection. Originally, Picnic Basket was a reward from the now-discontinued WoW Trading Card Game (TCG). Today, obtaining Picnic Basket typically requires navigating the Black Market Auction House (BMAH), which can demand millions of gold and several months of persistence. Short on time or gold? Let us handle it for you and acquire Picnic Basket swiftly!
Even though the original TCG loot codes, including Picnic Basket, can still be redeemed with Landro Longshot in Booty Bay, no new codes have been issued since the TCG was discontinued in 2013. As a result, the rarity of Picnic Basket has skyrocketed, driving up its price. Moreover, many eBay sellers only offer physical scratch cards instead of digital codes, meaning there could be a lengthy waiting period for your purchase.
Another method to obtain Picnic Basket is through the Black Market, where TCG items frequently appear. Yet, obtaining these toys has become considerably more challenging during the Shadowlands expansion, as Blizzard has prohibited non-max level characters from using the BMAH. Previously, you could simply create a level 1 character on the required realm, gather sufficient gold, place your bid, and win the auction, making Picnic Basket yours instantly. Now, a max level character is a necessity, which is unfeasible to level from scratch in the brief time between spotting the item and the auction's conclusion. The realistic approach is to transfer your high-level character and hope for good fortune.
Character transfers come at a cost, making successful acquisition highly reliant on knowledge of historical BMAH prices and the level of competition on each realm. Hence, buying Picnic Basket from professional players who have extensive experience and a substantial gold reserve across multiple realms is your best option to secure these legacy items for your collection!
WoW Picnic Basket Boost Includes
How buying Picnic Basket from BMAH works?
Our process for obtaining Picnic Basket from Black Market is very simple and straightforward:
As you can see our method of getting Picnic Basket is very simple. Our vast experience in providing BMAH services allows us to rapidly detect any items as they spawn and do the bidding with 95% chance of success. The whole process is designed to be as safe as possible without ever touching your main account. Got any more questions? Contact us in web chat or on Discord and we will answer.