Reins of the Azure Drake Mount
Here you can buy Reins of the Azure Drake mount boost, and we'll diligently farm this mount to add it to your collection in record time.
Azure Drake is a highly sought-after mount that drops from the Malygos boss in the Eye of Eternity raid, boasting a 1% drop rate. Attempting to farm it solo can be an incredibly tiresome and monotonous endeavor. Let our team handle the grinding for Reins of the Azure Drake on your behalf!
Another option to obtain the Reins of the Azure Drake mount is through the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). It makes frequent appearances on BMAH several times each month, offering a much speedier and surer method compared to traditional farming. However, securing items from BMAH has become increasingly challenging in Shadowlands due to Blizzard's restriction that only max-level characters access BMAH. In earlier expansions, acquiring Azure Drake was straightforward: simply create a level 1 character on the desired realm, amass enough gold, place a bid, win the auction, and Azure Drake was yours instantly. Now, it necessitates a max-level character, making it unfeasible to level up from scratch on the target realm within the limited window between spotting the item and the auction's conclusion; thus, transferring an existing character and relying on luck is the only feasible approach.
Character transfers are costly. Therefore, success greatly hinges on having insight into typical BMAH prices and the level of competition on each realm. Naturally, buying Azure Drake from professional players who possess extensive experience and ample gold reserves across various realms is the most straightforward route to adding these coveted items to your collection!
How Reins of the Azure Drake boost works?
Delivery time
BMAH option: obtaining Reins of the Azure Drake takes 4-6 weeks if you choose the BMAH option.
Regular farming: We will make up to 15 attempts per week if the number of characters on your account allows. However, due to the randomness and rarity of this particular mount, we cannot predict when exactly it will drop. (If you want more runs per week, contact our managers for details).
Maximizing drop chance of Reins of the Azure Drake
Azure Drake drops from Malygos raid boss which means it cannot be farmed non-stop with a single character; there's a raid cooldown of 1 week so farming it with one or a small number of characters will likely take a while. An easy way to stack odds in your favor is to prepare more characters of sufficient level and start doing weekly Eye of Eternity runs with each of them. Let's do some math and assume you're trying to get a sample 1% drop chance mount from some raid. This is what your chance of success after 2 months looks like depending on the number of characters you've got:
As you can see chance of success increases dramatically as you add more characters! Similar logic applies to maximizing Reins of the Azure Drake drop rate. If you are looking to get the mount in the shortest possible time, consider using our character leveling service. We will level as many additional characters as you want and then start Azure Drake farm with each of them.
Terms of guaranteed farming of Azure Drake
Selecting the option for guaranteed Reins of the Azure Drake farming means we will keep killing the boss as many times as necessary until the mount drops. If you want to stop the service for guaranteed farming after it has begun, partial refund amount will be calculated as follows: each 10 attempts correspond to 5% of order's volume, e.g. if you requested to stop the service after we have killed the boss 30 times, refund amount would be 85% of the original payment.
Here you can buy Reins of the Azure Drake mount boost, and we'll diligently farm this mount to add it to your collection in record time.
Azure Drake is a highly sought-after mount that drops from the Malygos boss in the Eye of Eternity raid, boasting a 1% drop rate. Attempting to farm it solo can be an incredibly tiresome and monotonous endeavor. Let our team handle the grinding for Reins of the Azure Drake on your behalf!
Another option to obtain the Reins of the Azure Drake mount is through the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). It makes frequent appearances on BMAH several times each month, offering a much speedier and surer method compared to traditional farming. However, securing items from BMAH has become increasingly challenging in Shadowlands due to Blizzard's restriction that only max-level characters access BMAH. In earlier expansions, acquiring Azure Drake was straightforward: simply create a level 1 character on the desired realm, amass enough gold, place a bid, win the auction, and Azure Drake was yours instantly. Now, it necessitates a max-level character, making it unfeasible to level up from scratch on the target realm within the limited window between spotting the item and the auction's conclusion; thus, transferring an existing character and relying on luck is the only feasible approach.
Character transfers are costly. Therefore, success greatly hinges on having insight into typical BMAH prices and the level of competition on each realm. Naturally, buying Azure Drake from professional players who possess extensive experience and ample gold reserves across various realms is the most straightforward route to adding these coveted items to your collection!
How Reins of the Azure Drake boost works?
Delivery time
BMAH option: obtaining Reins of the Azure Drake takes 4-6 weeks if you choose the BMAH option.
Regular farming: We will make up to 15 attempts per week if the number of characters on your account allows. However, due to the randomness and rarity of this particular mount, we cannot predict when exactly it will drop. (If you want more runs per week, contact our managers for details).
Maximizing drop chance of Reins of the Azure Drake
Azure Drake drops from Malygos raid boss which means it cannot be farmed non-stop with a single character; there's a raid cooldown of 1 week so farming it with one or a small number of characters will likely take a while. An easy way to stack odds in your favor is to prepare more characters of sufficient level and start doing weekly Eye of Eternity runs with each of them. Let's do some math and assume you're trying to get a sample 1% drop chance mount from some raid. This is what your chance of success after 2 months looks like depending on the number of characters you've got:
As you can see chance of success increases dramatically as you add more characters! Similar logic applies to maximizing Reins of the Azure Drake drop rate. If you are looking to get the mount in the shortest possible time, consider using our character leveling service. We will level as many additional characters as you want and then start Azure Drake farm with each of them.
Terms of guaranteed farming of Azure Drake
Selecting the option for guaranteed Reins of the Azure Drake farming means we will keep killing the boss as many times as necessary until the mount drops. If you want to stop the service for guaranteed farming after it has begun, partial refund amount will be calculated as follows: each 10 attempts correspond to 5% of order's volume, e.g. if you requested to stop the service after we have killed the boss 30 times, refund amount would be 85% of the original payment.