Stonewrought Legion Halberd

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Purchase Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog boost to add this unique blue Polearm appearance to your Weapon collection!

Stonewrought Legion Halberd is a remarkable blue Polearm introduced in the Shadowlands expansion. This sought-after Weapon can be acquired from the Stone Legion Supplies and Bleakwood Chest in the Revendreth with a 1.80% drop rate. Despite the drop chance, farming for this blue Weapon can be a time-consuming task. Our Stonewrought Legion Halberd farm service provides an efficient solution for players who wish to purchase this Weapon appearance without spending extensive time farming in the Revendreth location.

Buy the Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog carry service and conserve your efforts by trusting our dedicated team to collect treasures in Shadowlands zones until we secure this blue Polearm transmog for you.

WoW Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.


Stonewrought Legion Halberd
Stonewrought Legion Halberd
Add to cart $169.00

Purchase Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog boost to add this unique blue Polearm appearance to your Weapon collection!

Stonewrought Legion Halberd is a remarkable blue Polearm introduced in the Shadowlands expansion. This sought-after Weapon can be acquired from the Stone Legion Supplies and Bleakwood Chest in the Revendreth with a 1.80% drop rate. Despite the drop chance, farming for this blue Weapon can be a time-consuming task. Our Stonewrought Legion Halberd farm service provides an efficient solution for players who wish to purchase this Weapon appearance without spending extensive time farming in the Revendreth location.

Buy the Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog carry service and conserve your efforts by trusting our dedicated team to collect treasures in Shadowlands zones until we secure this blue Polearm transmog for you.

WoW Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Stonewrought Legion Halberd transmog boost takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete.


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