The Bladefist (TBC)

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Secure your The Bladefist (TBC) transmog boost now and elevate your epic Fist Weapon aesthetic in your Weapon collection!

The Bladefist (TBC) is a highly coveted Fist Weapon that first appeared in the TBC expansion. Obtaining this rare epic Weapon look requires acquiring it from Warchief Kargath Bladefist in the The Shattered Halls dungeon, known for its 5.81% drop rate. Due to the challenges associated with non-100% drop rate items, obtaining this epic Weapon transmog can require numerous dungeon runs, making it a demanding task.

Our dungeon Weapon transmog boost service is the perfect solution for players eager to obtain The Bladefist (TBC) transmog weapon without investing significant time. With our tmog Weapon boost service, you can rely on our expert team to handle all the complexities, saving you valuable time and effort.

Purchase the The Bladefist (TBC) tmog carry service, and our professional team will tirelessly conduct the necessary dungeon runs to quickly and successfully obtain this sought-after Fist Weapon transmog piece from the The Shattered Halls dungeon.

WoW The Bladefist Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Bladefist transmog boost takes 1-3 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Fist Weapon.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
The Bladefist (TBC)
The Bladefist (TBC)
Add to cart $87.00

Secure your The Bladefist (TBC) transmog boost now and elevate your epic Fist Weapon aesthetic in your Weapon collection!

The Bladefist (TBC) is a highly coveted Fist Weapon that first appeared in the TBC expansion. Obtaining this rare epic Weapon look requires acquiring it from Warchief Kargath Bladefist in the The Shattered Halls dungeon, known for its 5.81% drop rate. Due to the challenges associated with non-100% drop rate items, obtaining this epic Weapon transmog can require numerous dungeon runs, making it a demanding task.

Our dungeon Weapon transmog boost service is the perfect solution for players eager to obtain The Bladefist (TBC) transmog weapon without investing significant time. With our tmog Weapon boost service, you can rely on our expert team to handle all the complexities, saving you valuable time and effort.

Purchase the The Bladefist (TBC) tmog carry service, and our professional team will tirelessly conduct the necessary dungeon runs to quickly and successfully obtain this sought-after Fist Weapon transmog piece from the The Shattered Halls dungeon.

WoW The Bladefist Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Bladefist transmog boost takes 1-3 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Fist Weapon.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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