Wild Hunt Legsplitter Mount

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Discover the easiest way to buy Legsplitter War Harness mount boost with our expert service. Our dedicated team will relentlessly farm this mount to add it to your collection in record time.

The elusive Wild Hunt Legsplitter mount is known to drop from Covenant Assaults located in the Maw zone. Allow our seasoned players to handle all the grind and secure Legsplitter War Harness for you effortlessly!

How Legsplitter War Harness boost works?

Delivery time

ETA is random due to low drop chance. However, we will keep farming until you get the mount.


  • Max level character. If you don't have one, consider using our powerleveling service.
Wild Hunt Legsplitter Mount
Wild Hunt Legsplitter Mount
Add to cart $353.00

Discover the easiest way to buy Legsplitter War Harness mount boost with our expert service. Our dedicated team will relentlessly farm this mount to add it to your collection in record time.

The elusive Wild Hunt Legsplitter mount is known to drop from Covenant Assaults located in the Maw zone. Allow our seasoned players to handle all the grind and secure Legsplitter War Harness for you effortlessly!

How Legsplitter War Harness boost works?

Delivery time

ETA is random due to low drop chance. However, we will keep farming until you get the mount.


  • Max level character. If you don't have one, consider using our powerleveling service.
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