WoW Reputations Boost
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WoW Reputation Boost FAQ
What are the benefits of reputation in WoW?
Building your reputation with various factions in WoW unlocks unique rewards, including gear, mounts, recipes, toys, pets, and tabards. As your reputation level increases, you'll gain access to higher-tier rewards.
What happens to reputation when you Faction Change?
When you change factions, reputations that have an equivalent on the opposite side will convert to the corresponding faction’s reputation. Reputations without an equivalent will reset to Neutral, while those tied to races or neutral factions will remain unchanged.
How much rep does it take to get to Exalted?
To reach Exalted from Neutral, you need a total of 42,000 reputation points:
- Neutral to Friendly: 3,000 points
- Friendly to Honored: 6,000 points
- Honored to Revered: 12,000 points
- Revered to Exalted: 21,000 points
What is the hardest rep in WoW?
Reputations tied to Warsong Gulch and those required for the "Insane" title, particularly the four Steamwheedle Cartel factions, are among the most difficult to grind.
Is 100 Exalted Reputations account-wide?
Yes, Blizzard made the "100 Exalted Reputations" achievement account-wide in the "Tides of Vengeance" update, allowing players to count reputations earned across all their characters towards the achievement.
Where do I see my reputation in WoW?
To check your reputation status:
- Press the "U" key for a shortcut.
- Or open the Character window with the "C" key, then click on the Reputation tab at the bottom.