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Purchase the Alimony transmog boost today and add this green One-Handed Sword look to your Weapon collection!

The Alimony weapon, a visually appealing green One-Handed Sword, was first introduced in the WoW Classic expansion. This highly sought-after Weapon can be acquired by completing the The Mad Magus quest in the Thousand Needles zone. Even though the drop rate is not particularly challenging, farming for this green Weapon can still be a time-consuming and tedious task. That's why our Alimony transmog boost service provides a convenient alternative for gamers looking to acquire this Weapon look without the extensive time commitment usually required for questing.

Choose our Alimony transmog carry service and let our dedicated team efficiently complete all necessary quests in WoW Classic zones to secure this green One-Handed Sword appearance for you, saving you both time and effort.

WoW Alimony transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Alimony transmog boost takes approximately 1-2 days to complete.


  • 40+ level character that can equip One-Handed Sword.
  • If you don't have one, explore our Powerleveling service.
Add to cart $19.00

Purchase the Alimony transmog boost today and add this green One-Handed Sword look to your Weapon collection!

The Alimony weapon, a visually appealing green One-Handed Sword, was first introduced in the WoW Classic expansion. This highly sought-after Weapon can be acquired by completing the The Mad Magus quest in the Thousand Needles zone. Even though the drop rate is not particularly challenging, farming for this green Weapon can still be a time-consuming and tedious task. That's why our Alimony transmog boost service provides a convenient alternative for gamers looking to acquire this Weapon look without the extensive time commitment usually required for questing.

Choose our Alimony transmog carry service and let our dedicated team efficiently complete all necessary quests in WoW Classic zones to secure this green One-Handed Sword appearance for you, saving you both time and effort.

WoW Alimony transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

Based on our experience, the Alimony transmog boost takes approximately 1-2 days to complete.


  • 40+ level character that can equip One-Handed Sword.
  • If you don't have one, explore our Powerleveling service.
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