Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged

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Purchase the Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged transmog boost and enrich your collection with these iconic Commander of Argus weapon skins!

The Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged is a highly sought-after collection from the Legion expansion, featuring 12 distinct weapon transmogs. This collection becomes available upon completing the Commander of Argus meta-achievement in the Argus zone.

For those eager to secure this prestigious weapon set without dedicating extensive hours to vanquishing Rare and Elites on Argus, our Weapons of the Lightforged boost service is ready to assist.

Acquire the WoW Weapons of the Lightforged transmog carry service, and let our expert team aid you in obtaining the illustrious Commander of Argus weapon transmog set from the Legion expansion.

WoW Weapons of the Lightforged Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged transmog boost takes 5-7 days to complete.


  • Max level character.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
  • Argus zone unlocked.
Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged
Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged
Add to cart $49.00

Purchase the Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged transmog boost and enrich your collection with these iconic Commander of Argus weapon skins!

The Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged is a highly sought-after collection from the Legion expansion, featuring 12 distinct weapon transmogs. This collection becomes available upon completing the Commander of Argus meta-achievement in the Argus zone.

For those eager to secure this prestigious weapon set without dedicating extensive hours to vanquishing Rare and Elites on Argus, our Weapons of the Lightforged boost service is ready to assist.

Acquire the WoW Weapons of the Lightforged transmog carry service, and let our expert team aid you in obtaining the illustrious Commander of Argus weapon transmog set from the Legion expansion.

WoW Weapons of the Lightforged Transmog Carry Includes

Delivery time

The Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged transmog boost takes 5-7 days to complete.


  • Max level character.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
  • Argus zone unlocked.
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