Death-Enveloped Spires

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Acquire the Death-Enveloped Spires transmog boost and elevate your Weapon collection with the mesmerizing epic Shoulder appearance!

The Death-Enveloped Spires weapon is an exclusive addition from the Shadowlands expansion, specifically found in Torghast. This rare and much sought-after world drop Weapon can be acquired by defeating elite creatures like Consumption in the Korthia zone. However, with a drop rate of about 1.91%, luck is often a factor, making this a potentially lengthy pursuit.

Fortunately, our Death-Enveloped Spires farming service provides a stress-free solution for players to obtain this epic Weapon transmog, relieving you from the endless grind in Shadowlands locations.

Boost your gameplay by utilizing our Death-Enveloped Spires transmog service to markedly improve your chances of securing this coveted epic Weapon appearance, thereby saving you both time and effort.

WoW Death-Enveloped Spires transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Death-Enveloped Spires transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Shoulder.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Death-Enveloped Spires
Death-Enveloped Spires
Add to cart $169.00

Acquire the Death-Enveloped Spires transmog boost and elevate your Weapon collection with the mesmerizing epic Shoulder appearance!

The Death-Enveloped Spires weapon is an exclusive addition from the Shadowlands expansion, specifically found in Torghast. This rare and much sought-after world drop Weapon can be acquired by defeating elite creatures like Consumption in the Korthia zone. However, with a drop rate of about 1.91%, luck is often a factor, making this a potentially lengthy pursuit.

Fortunately, our Death-Enveloped Spires farming service provides a stress-free solution for players to obtain this epic Weapon transmog, relieving you from the endless grind in Shadowlands locations.

Boost your gameplay by utilizing our Death-Enveloped Spires transmog service to markedly improve your chances of securing this coveted epic Weapon appearance, thereby saving you both time and effort.

WoW Death-Enveloped Spires transmog carry rewards

Delivery time

In our experience, Death-Enveloped Spires transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.


  • Max level character that can equip Shoulder.
  • If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
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