Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount
Looking to buy Obsidian Worldbreaker? We offer a mount boosting service that guarantees this exquisite mount for your collection in no time.
Obsidian Worldbreaker stands among the rarest mounts in the game and is currently accessible only via the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). It seldom sells for anything less than the highest bid of 10,000,000 gold! Initially, it was obtainable through being a reward for WoW anniversary event in Battle for Azeroth, but today it is a prize for only the luckiest or wealthiest adventurers. By buying our service, Obsidian Worldbreaker can be yours without hassle!
How Obsidian Worldbreaker boost works?
- Obsidian Worldbreaker occasionally appears on Black Market Auction House of your region;
- We will prepare a max level character and enough gold for a guaranteed winning bid of 10 million and start monitoring BMAH of most realms for Obsidian Worldbreaker;
- Once it appears, we will transfer character and gold to this realms and snatch the mount!
Delivery time
Due to the randomness of Black Market AH and rare nature of this particular mount, we cannot predict the exact ETA. In our experience, it usually takes up to 4 weeks.
- We will need you to provide access to your account with a max level character (preferably Horde faction);
- If you want it done on your main Bnet account, we strongly recommend creating an additional WoW account so we could work there. It is much safer and more convenient.
- We will use our own gold to bid on the auction. You don't need to have any gold on the account.
- We will cover all character transfer costs;
Looking to buy Obsidian Worldbreaker? We offer a mount boosting service that guarantees this exquisite mount for your collection in no time.
Obsidian Worldbreaker stands among the rarest mounts in the game and is currently accessible only via the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). It seldom sells for anything less than the highest bid of 10,000,000 gold! Initially, it was obtainable through being a reward for WoW anniversary event in Battle for Azeroth, but today it is a prize for only the luckiest or wealthiest adventurers. By buying our service, Obsidian Worldbreaker can be yours without hassle!
How Obsidian Worldbreaker boost works?
- Obsidian Worldbreaker occasionally appears on Black Market Auction House of your region;
- We will prepare a max level character and enough gold for a guaranteed winning bid of 10 million and start monitoring BMAH of most realms for Obsidian Worldbreaker;
- Once it appears, we will transfer character and gold to this realms and snatch the mount!
Delivery time
Due to the randomness of Black Market AH and rare nature of this particular mount, we cannot predict the exact ETA. In our experience, it usually takes up to 4 weeks.
- We will need you to provide access to your account with a max level character (preferably Horde faction);
- If you want it done on your main Bnet account, we strongly recommend creating an additional WoW account so we could work there. It is much safer and more convenient.
- We will use our own gold to bid on the auction. You don't need to have any gold on the account.
- We will cover all character transfer costs;