Sentinel's Halberd
Purchase the Sentinel's Halberd transmog boost to enhance your collection with this unique Darkshore warfront weapon appearance!
The Sentinel's Halberd is among the most sought-after Polearms introduced in the BFA expansion. This remarkable weapon transmog is available to only 0.01-0.3% of characters and drops at an extremely rare rate from both rare and elite mobs during the Darkshore warfront event. With drop rates estimated to be exceptionally low, acquiring this Darkshore warfront weapon requires substantial time and persistent effort, posing a significant challenge for many players.
To support players who are eager to obtain this elusive yet prestigious warfront weapon transmog without the exhaustive time commitment, Onlyfarms offers a specialized Sentinel's Halberd farming service.
Don't be discouraged by the demanding task of farming the Darkshore warfront 0.01-0.3%. Take advantage of our Sentinel's Halberd transmog carry service, and let our team of skilled experts help you obtain this renowned Darkshore weapon appearance effortlessly.
WoW Sentinel's Halberd transmog carry rewards
- Sentinel's Halberd transmogrification;
Delivery time
In our experience, the Sentinel's Halberd transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.
- Max level character that can equip Polearm.
- If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.
Purchase the Sentinel's Halberd transmog boost to enhance your collection with this unique Darkshore warfront weapon appearance!
The Sentinel's Halberd is among the most sought-after Polearms introduced in the BFA expansion. This remarkable weapon transmog is available to only 0.01-0.3% of characters and drops at an extremely rare rate from both rare and elite mobs during the Darkshore warfront event. With drop rates estimated to be exceptionally low, acquiring this Darkshore warfront weapon requires substantial time and persistent effort, posing a significant challenge for many players.
To support players who are eager to obtain this elusive yet prestigious warfront weapon transmog without the exhaustive time commitment, Onlyfarms offers a specialized Sentinel's Halberd farming service.
Don't be discouraged by the demanding task of farming the Darkshore warfront 0.01-0.3%. Take advantage of our Sentinel's Halberd transmog carry service, and let our team of skilled experts help you obtain this renowned Darkshore weapon appearance effortlessly.
WoW Sentinel's Halberd transmog carry rewards
- Sentinel's Halberd transmogrification;
Delivery time
In our experience, the Sentinel's Halberd transmog boost takes approximately 3-5 weeks to complete.
- Max level character that can equip Polearm.
- If you don't have one, take a look at our Powerleveling service.